Thursday, April 12, 2018

Trump Anti-Gun Nominee to Ninth Circuit Driving Away Core Supporters

It’s fair to ask why those who have been defending the president from so many self-inflicted situations he now finds himself in should care if Robert Mueller and “the Swamp” prevail.  A President Mike Pence could do no worse and possibly would do a lot better, especially considering his record on guns. [More]
The guy needs all the friends he can get right now. So why would he drive any away?


Mack said...


Just posted a comment; don'y know if it will ever show up.

I wondered if Neil Gorsuch was a one-off? What do you think?

See these:



Henry said...

If we only remember to consider everything Trump does as a factor of the “loose cannon effect,” it all becomes clear. People seem to forget that this man spent decades as a registered Democrat. He is incapable of being about consistent political principle, he is all about opportunity. The bald eagle mates for life — the shark just guts and feeds.