Wednesday, July 11, 2018

If Dogs Didn't Bite They Wouldn't Get Muzzled

Muzzled by Iowa's new gun law: Officials can't reveal whether ARL shooter had a handgun permit [More]
And whose fault is that?

That seems to be a USA Today Network/Gannett Publications thing.

As for Ako Abdul-Samad memorializing Jr. by stumping for your disarmament, the guy was a Black Panther "lieutenant" and Sonny-boy was a member of the Black Gangster Disciples who was carrying a gun at 18 with Pop's full knowledge.

F*** these people, and that's about as close as I've come to typing it out in a long time.

[Via Loki1776]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"the round ricocheting from the floor and hitting a 9-year-old girl and 62-year-old woman with shrapnel,"

Schrapnel? Srsly, Dude? Schrapnel? Was it accompanied by the reek of Cordite?

noun: shrapnel

fragments of a bomb, shell, or other object thrown out by an explosion.
a shell containing bullets or pieces of metal timed to burst short of impact.

Where do I get me some o' them exploding handgun rounds?