Thursday, December 05, 2019

Who Will Help Me Bake the Bread?

A question I am often asked and often ask myself is, “Why is it that we continue to do nothing?” [More]
Good question.  I've asked it myself on more than one occasion.

But hey, Molon Labe!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"What I’m getting at is, there is no voting our way out of this mess gentlemen. They are not going to give up their power and acknowledge our votes. The last three years should have proven that to you. These times are no different than any other times in history in at least one respect, history will be largely written by the winners. How do you want your descendants to remember you? Make your choices now and be prepared to do your utmost to make history what you would like it to be."

He lifted almost that whole paragraph from something I had earlier posted here. Would have been nice if he's at least acknowledged doing so.