Wednesday, August 12, 2020

NIMBY -- Or My Front One, Either

Neighbors unhappy as demonstrations move east into residential Portland [More]

Tell me how they voted and I'll let you know how sorry I  am for them.

Something else about this article bugs me-- the lede:

As Portland’s protests against police violence and systemic racism approach 80 consecutive nights...

Oh, is that what the COMMUNIST RIOTS are about, The Oregonian and "reporter" Lizzy Acker?

And note the assumption here is that there really is "systemic racism," an invented manipulation term that now dominates the internet, but with the overwhelming number of hits tellingly from within the last year...


Anonymous said...

Not just the usual suspects and not in just the usual places either.

Henry said...

Hey, kids! Can you put the right color words in the right spaces?
Incumbent Katharine Fernandez Rundle is _______. Challenger Melba Pearson is _______.
Come on, try it -- it's easy! You don't even have to read all the big words in the article!