Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Take Her Word For It

Joe might just be starting to realize he comes with a "Use By" expiration date label...


Carl "Bear" Bussjaeger said...

Freudian slip? No, I think it's a frank admission of the plan. It's meant to reassure their base, who might be a little dubious of voting for a senile child-molester, that they're really voting for Senator Kneepads.

Anonymous said...

The Kamala Show, brought to you by Hiden Biden.

DDS said...

Remember when "Watters World" was a "man in the street" interview segment on Bill O'Reiley's "No Spin Zone"? In one segment I'll remember till they put me in a box, Watters asked a young woman in Manhattan who she was going to vote for, Clinton or Trump. She replied "If you're asking me to pick the shiniest turd from the punch bowl, I really don't feel qualified."

A saying often attributed to Mark Twain goes, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes."

And the voice from the back seat says "Are we there yet?"