Monday, November 30, 2020

Adventures in Cognitive Dissonance

 “As an organization we support the Second Amendment. We draw the line, however, at military grade weapons in the hands of civilians. We’re talking about weapons like the SIG MCX semi-automatic that was used to murder 49 LGBTQ people and wound 53 more at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. These deadly weapons of war belong in the hands of soldiers, not civilians,” Williams said. [More]

In other words, Troy Williams doesn't know what the f*** he's talking about.


Carl "Bear" Bussjaeger said...

Sadly, Ermiya Fanaeian isn't all that great. Look closely at her rifle.

Henry said...

"Troy Williams, executive director of Equality Utah, the Beehive State’s “premier LGBTQ civil rights organization..."
In other words, "Blah blah political lipservice blah, BUT... we really hate guns."
Nothing new to see here.

Ed said...

I wonder whether Ermiya Fanaeian knows that her rifle lacks sights. She might do better with them installed.