Tuesday, December 22, 2020

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Firearm' Is

Former ATF Agent Testifies AR Receivers Don't Meet Legal Definition [Watch]

We talked about this in February. Naturally, no one in power wants to admit the truth.

Here I thought a firearm was whatever ATF says is one -- especially if it's a machinegun.

Also see: ATF Solvent Trap Brace 80% Lowers And Walmart 

[Via Jess]

1 comment:

Henry said...

"Naturally, no one in power wants to admit the truth."

Instead, they're trying to do an end-run around the embarrassment by making a new fait-accompli regulation that if you throw enough parts in a box, none of which are legally "firearms," the result can be a "firearm." It's like political abiogensis.