Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Meanwhile, Over in the City of Brotherly Love...

 WALTER Wallace Jr “rapped about shooting cops” and allegedly once put a gun to a woman’s head before he was tragically killed by police on Monday. [More]

What's "tragic" about it? Sounds like a perfect excuse for a loot, shoot and burn! I understand that shoes are popular items. And it sure looks like the haters are getting their comeuppance!

Might that prompt an unintended consequence?

I guess that depends on if the Democrats, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the People's Republic, manage to scare up enough useful idiots, mail-in illegals and dead people.

Huh. I thought by now Grand Master Jay's Guerillas would have won the day after all that safe posturing at Stone Mountain. Maybe they should change their name to the FAC.

[Via bondmen]

1 comment:

Henry said...

“We deserve the better things in life, y’all ain’t treating us right,”
Work for them, thug parasite... like we do.
"Aspiring rapper," but mention of his actual employment conspicuously absent...