Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Once is Happenstance

 Hmm... America Keeps Getting Attacked By Nations It Hates In Ways Only The CIA Can See [More]

Mr. Fleming had two words for it broad enough to encompass "domestic." Funny, how "the Swamp" is so vested in interventionism. Curious, how their efforts are hostile to what the Founders knew to be "necessary to the security of a free State."

Perhaps Gen. Butler can shed some light...?

[Via bondmen]

1 comment:

CDT said...

May or may not be exaggerated, but there is still truth in the claim. Chinese penetration attempts against our small, rural ISP were continuous and relentless, dozens every minute, over the span of years. We ended up having to refuse all connection attempts from all Chinese IP ranges. India was the next highest offender, followed by the Netherlands, of all places.