Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Raising the Barr

 Conservative Defense of the Second Amendment Falls Short: Needs-Based Defense No Longer Sufficient to Preserve Citizens’ Right to Self-Defense [More]

True enough, and there's a wealth of good information here that will never find its way to the voting public. My guess is most gun owners will never read this, let alone understand and share it. We certainly know the DSM and the Keepers will do what they can to see it discouraged and buried.

Speaking of falling short, no argument will be sufficient as long as it ignores the Militia elephant in the room and fails to make that a central part of legal arguments. And ignoring the greatest threat of political and cultural terraforming via weaponized "immigration," as this does, ensures legislators and courts can ignore all arguments with impunity.

As long as we're on the subject of insufficiencies, did we ever get a retraction and apology from Barr for supporting Lautenberg?

Like I said: there's some good information here. Just not enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The militia element; boon or bane?

Given the latest vitriol being thrown at the Oath Keepers, that they are nothing but a 'violent domestic extremist' group I am not confident of making a winning militia argument for the 2nd.

A winning play for liberty will probably come well after I'm gone. No matter, once more into the breach.