Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Reply to All

I got an email from a WarOnGuns Correspondent encouraging me to write an article about how Donald Trump's inconsistent approach to RKBA might have contributed to his loss and also urging me to put up a Paypal widget in the sidebar. This started out as a one-one-one reply, but then I decided I'd post it here and send him the link.

About the closest I came to that was with a warning in advance: "2020 is Trump's to Blow with Gun Owners."

I'm not sure I'd be capable of finding credible data showing the number of gun owners who were discouraged from voting because of that. It would take somebody like John Lott to do a survey with credible metrics, otherwise, it would just be my mere opinion. As regulars here know, I'm big on substantiating links.

In re Paypal,  no sooner would I have it set it up than some lefty snitch would rat me out as a "hater" and get me demonetized. I also don't want readers feeling I am beholden to them or owe special access. I recall Vanderboegh, who was kind of preoccupied at the time, getting dressed down in comments over at SSI for neglecting to thank an indignant contributor who now viewed him as an ungrateful bastard, and I just don't need that.

The blog is like a midway sideshow to get people to read my articles and enter the big tent. The "circus owners" are the ones who pay me. Besides, in truth, I can't even get most readers to do the simple, near-effortless, and costless stuff that really would help me.

It is what it is. If I wanted to be popular, I'd be writing about the Kardashians or something.

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