Thursday, April 21, 2005

Armed Robber Picks Wrong Victim-UPDATED

Doubts have been raised about whether this video is real. Until such time as I can verify it, I have removed it from this site.


Anonymous said...

"at the end" meaning popping a couple more caps in the perp? Dunno, can't see what the perp is doing behind the clothes rack, maybe the perp's trying to shoot the clerk. Or "at the end" meaning dragging the body? That doesn't seem too smart.

Anonymous said...


After watching it a couple of times, I'd say that the perp was still a threat; that's why the extra shots. But I have no idea why he moved the body.

David Codrea said...

There appears to be some discussion in various forums about this video being a fake:

I'll keep an eye open and post about it if I find anything more out.