Here are the results of last week's poll (click on image to enlarge).

Notes from the Resistance...
Senior Democrats have reached agreement with the National Rifle Association on what could be the first federal gun-control legislation since 1994, a measure to strengthen significantly the national system that checks the backgrounds of gun buyers.I certainly don't recall authorizing NRA to negotiate on my behalf in this matter. Anybody else?
The sensitive talks began in April, days after a mentally ill gunman killed 32 students and teachers at Virginia Tech University.
We've been debating gun control in this country for decades now. What does it hurt to pause for a few days in the midst of a tragedy to let the families of the victims grieve in peace, without being turned into a poster child either for gun rights or gun control? The answer, frankly, is it doesn't hurt anyone.
At that point the other man got out of his car and pulled a gun on Treptow, whose wife and two children were also in the car with him. With no opportunity to move quickly away from the gunman who was now only feet away, Treptow fired his own weapon three times, scoring hits in both legs and grazing his arm.It speaks volumes that Treptow was not immediately charged.
Turns out that Mr. Road Rage, who was apparently not injured badly as he has been released from hospital, is an undercover police officer.
The Pinellas County Sheriff's Office says Deputy Jonathan Lopes was asleep at home when he was startled awake by a sudden noise.I guess that's a bit more extreme than racking the slide to scare off an intruder, but it worked...
The fourty-nine-year-old deputy grabbed for his firearm and it discharged. The bullet struck Lopes in the leg.
In a society where individuals don't trust the authorities to protect their interests, people are taking the law into their own hands with homemade firearms.Oh, goodness. Why wouldn't people in the Phillipines trust the authorities?
Two days ago, We saw a very wonderfull Phoenomenon in this City -- a field Day, on which three Battallions of Soldiers were reviewed, making full two thousand Men. Battallion Men, Light Infantry, Grenadiers, Rifle Men, Light Horse, Artillery Men, with a fine train, all in Uniforms, going thro the manual Exercise and the Maneuvres, with remarkable Dexterity. All this has been accomplished in this City, since the 19th. of April. So sudden a formation of an Army never took Place any where.