R.I.P. Stan Lee. [More]
And yeah, I know. I chalk it up to people adopting the mindsets of their circles and environments. It's funny, because you take a look at some of the themes he introduced to comicdom in re government registration/persecution of those perceived as a challenge to its monopoly of violence, and you'd think he'd have been smart enough to make the connection had someone helped him work out the analogy.
And yeah, I know. But I just don't "know."
He was a unique man. I got much enjoyment from his work. My pursuit of happiness has been more enjoyable because of what he produced.
Monday, November 12, 2018
About That Broward County 'Voter Fraud'
I've gotten a ton of email on this, more links than I can read let alone post here. Without being able to devote more time than I have to investigate, which I have no real ability to do anyway, I'm simply not qualified to challenge Rick Scott's monitors and can only point out the spokeswoman did qualify "at this time."
Welcome to the Neighborhood!
...Page and Ponce-Martinez, who'd moved in next door three months earlier from Mexico, had argued prior to Page's murder. [More]I have no problem saying such people deserve asylum, but I don't think the open borders crowd is talking about the same thing.
[Via William T]
We're the Only Ones Whose Wings are Clipped Enough
Sarasota officer arrested for shoving airline employee after being kicked off flight [More]Grabbed his son by the neck too...?
Oh Mr. Lautenberg...
[Via William T]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
The Albanian drug lords of London: Shameless gangsters who rule capital's drug trade post pictures of guns and wads of cash on public Instagram page with more than 8,000 images [More]Let's welcome more "refugees" and show everyone how humanitarian we are!
Give it a few years.
They ain't seen nothin' yet.
Who Do You Trust
I was taking a bit of Twitter flack over the weekend from some guy who said he didn't trust various sources on the "thoughts and prayers" statement reportedly made by the Thousand Oaks murderer because he says they're biased. He made a point of replying he didn't trust Ammoland either, as if that automatically invalidates what I write without checking the claims and the linked citations.
I checked out his feed and found a tweet where he was longing for the good old days when journalists just objectively presented the facts, and cited as his prime example "the most trusted man in America."
I checked out his feed and found a tweet where he was longing for the good old days when journalists just objectively presented the facts, and cited as his prime example "the most trusted man in America."
Opposite Day 'Progressive' Humanitarianism
Thousands of Greyhounds May Need Homes as Florida Bans Racing [More]More likely they'll need to be euthanized.
And they're miserable now being caged with nothing to do.
What's in a Name?
Dick’s Sporting Goods Wants to Start Selling ‘Smart Guns’ [More]If you know a gun owner who still shops at Dick's, why do you still know him?
I'd Say 'Squandered,' and That's if I were Being Charitable
Republicans Missed Opportunities to Retain House Majority, Jim Jordan Says - ‘If we’d handled the past two years differently, we would still be the majority party in the House’ [More]Yep, it wasn't a rebuke of Trumpism.
So watch the swamp foist Kevin McCarthy on us and tell us what a "staunch supporter" he is.
Wheeling Out the Welcome Wagon
All of a sudden, Mexico is warmly welcoming the migrant caravan...[More]I figured their attitude would be influenced by the election. The correct response at this point is sanctions, with escalation as needed.
Now we get to see if any of our Republican "leaders"will stand up and be counted or just try to hide from this and leave Trump out on a limb.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Hybridized Enough
“We have a lot of stores, and not just Tulsa, where we have had and still will have off-duty police officers helping out, and a lot have full-time outside security,” he said. “I wish we didn’t have to, but that’s the world we live in.” [More]Well it's a step up on the competition, but why the exclusivity?
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones De-lighted Enough
In the moments before his patrol car crashed into a pickup and critically injured a 71-year-old man, evidence shows a Wichita police officer sped down Broadway at up to 100 mph without having emergency lights and sirens on. [More]Maybe he wanted it to be a surprise...
[Via bondmen]
What's the Opposite of 'Industrious'?
It seems that the social costs of de-industrialization are finally being realized in gun-related violence. [More]Yeah, that's one factor among many, all traceable to Opposite Day "progressivism."
[Via bondmen]
Unloaded for Bear
My local library just sent an email announcement that they're having "an interactive storytime session [where] children will be able to make a craft that will help them as they go on their own bear hunt through the Children's Room!"
Nothing like preparing them for reality.
I wouldn 't leave small kids alone with the author, that's for sure.
Yeah, I know. Can't a guy have some fun?
Idiocracy Rising
Tuesday’s election resulted in a prisoner, dead pimp, and man with a thing for Bigfoot erotica all winning offices. [More]If this doesn't scream "Abolish the Electoral College!" I don't know what...
[Via Steve T]
Mugged Liberals
At the only gun shop in Thousand Oaks, fearful residents decide it's time to buy a gun [More]I saw the same arousal from slumber during the L.A. riots, along with indignation when they suddenly realized there were hoops to jump through.
I wonder how many will think things through deeply enough to renounce the Democrats.
UPDATE: Valid point. Xenophobic, homphobic...
We're the Only Ones Counting Your Blessings Enough
To assist the entire money handling process, the engineers at Cummins Allison,which provides cash processing solutions, designed the JetScan iFX i100 and i200 series money counters with law enforcement in mind. [More]Be a shame if any of the economic fascists behind this ever find themselves hoist on their own petard, wouldn't it?
[Via Dave Licht]
Damn Haters
Traveling 29,000 miles back and forth across Africa, David Livingstone was horrified by the Arab Muslim slave trade. His letters, books, and journals stirred up a public outcry to abolish slavery. Livingston often passed caravans of 1,000 slaves tied together with neck yokes or leg irons, marching single file 500 miles down to the sea carrying ivory and heavy loads. Slaves who complained were speared and left to die, resulting in slave caravans being traced by vultures and hyenas feasting on corpses. [More]Lew Alcindor, you're going to change your name to what?
War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength
“Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism,” the French leader said. [More]Uh...Manny...?
Spoken liks a true Vichy swine.
And remember, for "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.
Meanwhile, Over at the Ministry of Truth
American Gun Culture Is Not Freedom. It Is Tyranny. [More]More fresh ideas from the Opposite Day "progressives," I see...
What can I say, except "Esquire"...?
Telling priorities they have there...
We're the Only Ones Kidding Around Enough
Salt Lake City police officer arrested for child pornography [More]At least now we know who's watching the watchman. Also on the plus side, think how much he saved on dates.
[Via Neil W]
Sounds Plausible
Federal Judge Says It's Plausible That Andrew Cuomo Violated the First Amendment by Pressuring Banks and Insurers to Shun the NRA [More]I'd say treat it like Chokepoint except we still don't see any of those extortionists being forced to pay for their crimes.
[Via Michael G]
What Happened to #BelieveWomen ?
But as much as Barberian’s accusation was possible, that doesn’t mean it was factual. [More]It's always kind of karma-y when those who would deny due process end up needing it themselves.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Covering Up Enough
Early on, Carson put together what he described as an airtight case against a corrupt ATF agent who was allegedly dealing cocaine in the Nickerson Gardens housing project in Watts. He had sworn statements from sources who identified the agent in photo arrays, and the agent failed a polygraph test administered by the FBI. Still, Carson says ATF brass swept the case under the rug and transferred the agent to another region—with a promotion. [More]Ain't that the way?
And in re Biggie Smalls, stay away from mirrors.
[Via Jess]
Just a Matter of Time
Some federal district judge, somewhere in the United States, will soon issue an injunction blocking enforcement of the Trump administration’s restrictions on asylum applications. [More]I'm compiling this on Sunday. Perhaps by the time I post it we'll already have seen action.
My money's on Watson.
Assuming we don't know yet, maybe I should start a pool.
[Via Michael G]
Fair and Balanced
A reporter for a Michigan newspaper called Michigan Senate Republican candidate John James’s campaign looking for an interview and thought she hung up the phone before leaving a voicemail saying “f******g John James … that would suck.” [More]See? This is what happens -- when you get caught.
The Obvious Solution
An illegal immigrant released by a “sanctuary city” county in New Jersey was charged this week with a triple homicide halfway across the country in Missouri, authorities said Friday. Luis Rodrigo Perez stands accused of being the gunman in a shooting spree last week that claimed the lives of two men and one woman, at two different homes. [More]Gosh, if only the xenophobes would let us have some "commonsense gun safety laws" in this country...
UPDATE via William T:
'Sanctuary' refuses to take blame after triple homicide, says ICE responsible for illegal immigrant [More]
Think of It as Pest Control
...security had to do their job and subdue the fan... [More]Because nothing is more important than protecting the savior of humanity from vermin.
Today We're Going to Put That to the Test
Does Appearance Change How People Are Treated? [Watch]What stands out most for me is this takes place in a busy city, where people overwhelmingly vote in guilt-manipulating collectivists feigning concern for the plight of "the poor."
For 'Progressives,' Every Day is Opposite Day
There's a bit of a Facebook discussion going on over my "Red Flag" piece.
A point that should be clarified-- the term "progressive" is not exclusively synonymous with "Democrat." There are plenty of "progressives" calling themselves "Republicans" that I define as something else.
True progressives, without quotation marks, stand for human progress, especially as it pertains to freedom, because nothing else that's good is really possible without it. As with "liberal," the word has been hijacked.
War is peace 'n all that...
And don't get me started on "conservative."
So yes, there are plenty in the GOP leadership sharing culpability for these Intolerable Acts. Case in point...
A point that should be clarified-- the term "progressive" is not exclusively synonymous with "Democrat." There are plenty of "progressives" calling themselves "Republicans" that I define as something else.
True progressives, without quotation marks, stand for human progress, especially as it pertains to freedom, because nothing else that's good is really possible without it. As with "liberal," the word has been hijacked.
War is peace 'n all that...
And don't get me started on "conservative."
So yes, there are plenty in the GOP leadership sharing culpability for these Intolerable Acts. Case in point...
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
Alarm over talks to implant UK employees with microchips [More]Nothing to fear, blokes. Just ask Tommy.
Oh, wait...
If at First You Don't Succeed
Hillary Will Run Again - Reinventing herself as a liberal firebrand, Mrs. Clinton will easily capture the 2020 nomination. [More]Noting her past adventures in remaining upright, on the bright side we may get to see her go ass-over-teacups down the Air Force One passenger stairs.
It will be interesting, because the emerging young Bolsheviks are not known for their patience, so we'll get to see whether old age and treachery really do trump youth and skill, and just how bloody that might prove.
All Too Typical
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Nothing at this writing for NRA on Twitter or Facebook, either. Ditto for ILA.
Thanks for being our leaders, guys.
Meanwhile, Erich Pratt of GOA was unafraid to stand his ground on USA Today, which is hostile territory. Make sure to take the poll, standing as of last night at:
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