Friday, December 19, 2008
A Champion of Gun Control

We can learn all we need to know about this "champion" from a comment he made about the Clinton gun ban:Anti-gun Sen. Howard Metzenbaum complained that the Clinton ban didn't go far enough, saying, "until you ban them all, you might as well ban none." But, it "will be a major step in achieving the objective that we have in mind," he said.
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column...
Tell a friend?
We're the Only Ones Cruella De Vil Enough
Add a two-year-old Dalmation to the ranks of dogs gunned down by police officers who considered themselve to be in "imminent danger" when the cops had no business being where they were to begin with.I wonder if the "Only Ones" have enough to make a fur coat with yet? Ya think?
If you haven't bookmarked fellow J.D. Tuccille's Civil Liberties site, you're missing out on some of the most insightful commentary out there.
Not Feelin' the Love...
...over at The Liberty Sphere.
I still note most don't link to WoG, and you know what? That's fine with me. From the content, sentiment, originality and insight I see on many Wogless blogs, I'd just as soon not meet with their approval. Besides, if I was going for popularity, I'd be writing about Paris Hilton.
So keep your chin up, Mr. Lloyd-Morgan.
Some of us appreciate what you do every day.
The Liberty Sphere has been totally ignored by some who have received nothing but constant attention by me via the links to their blogs.I know how he feels. When I first started WaronGuns, I found every "gun blogger" I could, gave them a sidebar link and tried to let them know it. Most ignored me, so I said the hell with it and established the reciprocity requirement explained in my sidebar "Link Policy."
I still note most don't link to WoG, and you know what? That's fine with me. From the content, sentiment, originality and insight I see on many Wogless blogs, I'd just as soon not meet with their approval. Besides, if I was going for popularity, I'd be writing about Paris Hilton.
So keep your chin up, Mr. Lloyd-Morgan.
Some of us appreciate what you do every day.
We're the Only Ones Who Won't Be Spoken Ill of Enough
Sheriff’s deputies and county Protective Service officers arrested two men and two women in the middle of the meeting when they stood and applauded a speaker who criticized Arpaio.At the next meeting, have someone speak in his praise, and have a few people stand up and applaud. See what happens.
Either way though, we need to understand that only "Only Ones" can express their sentiments at government meetings, which are there to "secure the blessings of Liberty." We can't have extremists thinking "governments derive their just powers" from just anyone.
[Via Lane]
Where's the Reasonable Suspicion of a Crime?
From Ed Stone:
Please read this police report about an arrest of a person openly carrying a pistol for obstruction for refusing to identify himself and tell me what reasonable suspicion of a crime existing to detain this man and force him to identify himself.
This is not an incident I have previously reported to you, as it just happened. This is the same jurisdiction I wrote this letter and with which we have had other issues. Think they have it out for our members?
What is in the water down there?
Two More Questions
Paul W. Davis had a question about Antonin Scalia's reasoning in Heller.
He has a couple more about the Wayne Fincher case:
And here I thought our job as citizens in terms of responding to national crises was to shop...
He has a couple more about the Wayne Fincher case:
I think the Supreme Court ought to answer the following two questions:Do you really want to leave the United States without any in-depth defense, and a lightly armed, law-abiding citizenry unable to effectively resist an attacking force?
Are you willing to see the possibility of the United States invaded and overthrown because the body of law-abiding citizens, who wish to form lawful, unorganized militias for the sole purpose of community and national defense, cannot match the firepower of an invading army?
And here I thought our job as citizens in terms of responding to national crises was to shop...
We're the Only Ones Given a Pass Enough
DUI Arrest Is Officer's 4th This YearWould it be so terribly wrong of me to wonder if some kind of "Only One" favoritism is being shown here...? And why the county prosecutors and the truant arresting officer aren't required to answer some tough question...under oath?
...Two of the drunken driving charges against Lt. Kenneth W. Parrish were dropped by county prosecutors, one of them in a plea deal and the other when the arresting officer failed to appear for a court hearing.
[Via Andre D]
We're the Only Ones Federal Enough
[Note: You need to select "December 17" from the "Recent Editions" drop-down menu, then scroll down to 61: "Update On Procedures For Flying While Armed."]
And they're even more trustworthy!
[Via Michael S]
The new procedures do not apply to federal officers.Hah! There's "Only Ones," and then there's "Super Only Ones."
And they're even more trustworthy!
[Via Michael S]
High Anxiety
About 11,500 troops, including chemical attack experts, will join the security detail as Obama takes the oath of office.It's all for you, Damien!
[Via Ron W]
Transparent Government
The government has blocked Kenyan members of President-elect Barrack Obama's extended family from talking to the media.It's a good thing I'm not the suspicious type...
[Via Skip]
Free Government Money!
A Yorktown gun-rights advocate who sued Norfolk after his arrest at Town Point Park for openly carrying a handgun will receive a $15,000 payout to settle the federal lawsuit.We discussed this before.
I hope the citizens of Norfolk remember this when the city comes crying saying they don't have enough money.
They have enough to blow $15 grand knowingly and willfully violating citizens' rights. Plus whatever they spent getting dragged through court.
[Via Mack H]
Another Child Gun Death
A man walking his dog in Terrell on Wednesday fatally shot an armed 17-year-old robber, police said.I guess in today's politically correct environment I don't dare say something like "Waddup, Dawg..."?
[Via Tony G]
We're the Only Ones Assaulted Enough
Both the daughter and the father were arrested for assaulting a peace officer.Plainclothes "Only Ones" get the wrong house and assault an innocent girl, she struggles and her father tries to protect her.
Every once in a while I have no words--or the words I have are best left undocumented.
This is one such time.
Speaking of people who will do obscene things for money, that William Helfland certainly is a piece of work.
[Via Cycjec from The Agitator (be sure and read Comment #7)]
Junk Mail Folder
Y'know, if you're gonna try to scam me... least spell "PayPal" correctly...
I once played along with a 419er--the correspondence abruptly ended after my "widow" sent him a newspaper clipping jpg reporting on how David "Kwaku Afriye" Codrea was found hanged in his cell following his arrest for suspicion of Internet fraud...and the authorities were now focusing on his Ghanaian co-conspirator... least spell "PayPal" correctly...
I once played along with a 419er--the correspondence abruptly ended after my "widow" sent him a newspaper clipping jpg reporting on how David "Kwaku Afriye" Codrea was found hanged in his cell following his arrest for suspicion of Internet fraud...and the authorities were now focusing on his Ghanaian co-conspirator...
From Paul W. Davis:
Wouldn't you just love to confront the "conservative justice" at a public forum and put that to him?
Is a D-10 bulldozer dangerous and unusual in the hands of an ordinary citizen, untrained in heavy equipment operations?
The answer is obvious. However, D-10 bulldozers are neither dangerous nor unusual, and very efficient, effective, and beneficial in the hands of the right person.
How does that operator get to be the "right person" if we constantly put forth that no one should have things that are "dangerous or unusual." After all, given Scalia's unusual interpretation of the Second Amendment, I would have to conclude that the following objects are "dangerous and unusual" in his hands having not demonstrated proper training and proficiency:
law books
A law degree
a pen
a computer
"Dangerous and unusual" is a very loose term, that is so broad as to be construed to apply to virtually anything, if we ignore the PERSON involved, and that person's qualifications. What Scalia is saying here, is that even a TRAINED, QUALIFIED, INFANTRY MACHINE GUNNER, cannot, as a civilian handle a machine gun as a member of a non-government sponsored militia.
That kind of logic I can shovel out of the barn.
Wouldn't you just love to confront the "conservative justice" at a public forum and put that to him?
Not to Keep Harping on This, But...
A new report by the U.S. Army War College talks about the possibility of Pentagon resources and troops being used should the economic crisis lead to civil unrest, such as protests against businesses and government or runs on beleaguered banks.This has all kinds of potential for getting interesting...
[Via Jeet]
Meanwhile, Over in Sarah al-Baradi Paradise
Sadr City, the South Bronx of Baghdad, has always been a rough neighborhood. Needless to say, carrying a gun here is considered a legal, moral right. Today, American and Iraqi troops are trying to do the once-unthinkable, and take Sadr City's weapons away...Mission accomplished?
In this part of Baghdad, the government of Nuri al-Maliki has rescinded the old "one AK-47 per household" rule; unless a weapon is registered - or belongs to a member of the security forces - it will be confiscated.
But don't worry--it says they're going to use those search warrants we talked about...
[Via Plug Nickel Times]
This Day in History: December 19
Should the Force sailed from Boston be destined for Rhode Island I tremble for the Consequences, as the Colony in its present exhausted State cannot without Assistance defend the Island.
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