Nicki did a lot of follow-up on the military and guns.
We talked about it here and here.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
'A Christmas Story' Revisited

We've talked about A Christmas Story House before, and their 25th anniversary event. I think the movie is an important one for gun owners for several reasons, obviously revolving around the Red Ryder BB gun.
Here's today's Gun Rights Examiner column.
I hope WarOnGuns regulars are helping to spread the word on these columns.
Virtual Unreality
Really, why do you need guns except to shoot a pigeon, or a deer? You're not a policeman. You can't ensure that you're children won't get hold of your gun. You can't hold yourself to be a responsible adult when you return home angry, drunk and volatile.I talked about this case yesterday in my Gun Rights Examiner column.
Just bury the damn thing, change the constitution and ban guns. Stop blaming violent video games and Marilyn Manson. Enough is enough. These tragic murders need to stop.
Silly me. I happen to believe balanced people can handle guns and music and video games. And that those who can't have no claim on my choices.
I don't think I could approach this UK gaming nitwit with anything even resembling civility. If you have the belly to engage him, go for it.
Feel free to grab him by the lapels and use your forehead as a club. Virtually, of course.
Straddling the Fence
Mayor Luke Ravenstahl allowed a city gun control bill to become law without his signature.So I don't suppose you could have intentional state lawbreakers arrested?
In a letter to council, Mr. Ravenstahl said the bill will be unenforceable and pre-empted by state law...
An Economic Stimulus Package
Two state lawmakers say they'll sponsor a bill to repeal state taxes on the sale of guns and ammunition in Oklahoma.Well, that would be consistent with "shall not be infringed."
Which kind of opens the door for questioning why we have what was supposed to be a taxing agency...
A Constant Disadvantage
Rising gun sales driven by females, retirees......But...but...but...
"People who have come in here before and never even looked at guns are now buying them."
That's not what Bryan told us...
I'm inclined to believe that the vast bulk of folks buying guns per recent gun shop owners' claims are repeat buyers, they already have guns at home.Poor guy's at a constant disadvantage, wouldn't you agree?
Attention All Fudds!
Staten Island District Attorney Daniel Donovan dismissed the notion hunting rifles and shotguns are not the type of weapons authorities need to be worried about, noting they can cause harm if poorly safeguarded or stolen by burglars.And what does "taking these off the streets" mean when this story is clearly about ordinary citizens removing them from their homes?
"Taking these off the streets is as important as the taking the handguns off the streets,'' he said.
Y'all still want to throw the rest of us under the bus?
Don't take my word for it that the government wants to separate you from your "sporting arms." Take Staten Island District Attorney Daniel Donovan's.
Nickels Hides

Remember that.
Maybe someone could dig him a spider hole to hide in for future such occasions...?
A Tough Measure
The legislation would require all gun owners to receive five hours of safety training and to register their firearms every three years. In addition, they would have to undergo a criminal background check every six years.
Compelling state interest in action.
I wonder how many feral sociopaths this will stop?
They Hate Us Because We're Free
"They just go ahead and don't listen to any of the laws that are affecting anybody else. It's quite a problem when you got people next door required to get permits and the Amish don't have to get them," said Gary Olson, a county supervisor in central Wisconsin's Jackson County, where Borntreger lives.
Note the issue is not whether Amish housing is unsafe or not.
Putting aside for a moment the issue of the best means a community can employ to ensure structures are not a threat to their inhabitants or neighbors, the Amish choose to live in their own communities.
Who are they harming?
But the state must control all. They won't let you live in peace. They're intent to force themselves upon you whether you wish to deal with them or not.
I suppose, ultimately, if the homeowners wish to defy orders and shut themselves up in their traditionally crafted home, an angry state could send out armed enforcers to burn the place down around them.
Isn't that what we do with "cultists" in this country who want to be left alone?
Vermont, SC or "Only Ones" Carry?
This may not be the "No Permit Carry" bill the news article paints it to be, per Ed Stone .
Here's a discussion where some concerns have surfaced.
Here's the bill in question.
Your thoughts?
Here's a discussion where some concerns have surfaced.
Here's the bill in question.
Your thoughts?
We're the Only Ones Discouraging Alternative Transportation Enough
Any bets on whether the "Only One" or the bicyclist would have been indicted but for the video recording of what happened?
[Via Chris Horton]
[Via Chris Horton]
More on the Con-Con and a Rant
We talked about it here.
Chuck Baldwin explains why they're so dangerous.
I understand the Ohio vote has been delayed. None of the legislators saw fit to get back with me--I guess they thought I might be a bit peeved.
But here's a question for you, who come here regularly every day, because I presume you get some value out of it.
I asked readers to join me (I never ask for anything I don't give myself), to send an email. I even provided all the addresses.
How many did?
Apathy is the most frustrating thing I confront. It's a bigger threat than anything out there. And I have to wonder what someone will do if they won't even take a minute, literally, to send a simple email.
I've answered dismissals about "preaching to the choir" before, the first time, I believe, in my article "You Say You Want a Revolution?" published by GUNS AND AMMO back in 2001:
I'm also reminded of a quote from Mr. Churchill.
I bring this up because I see the vast majority of gun owners, maybe, say, 97%, dismissing "threepers," sometimes with great contempt. Just the other day I saw myself characterized with the words "spittle-flying screaming about all the 'cowards' that won't start killing jack-booted thugs at the issuance of a traffic ticket."
I approached my accuser privately (and politely, I might add) and asked to see where I've done that, or even anything close to it to make it a fair caricature. For some reason he won't reply.
For the record, I'm doing what I can, and have been for years, to work toward restoration of the Republic through petitions for redress, political involvement, the legal system, the media...
The ironic thing is, if we do reach the much-mischaracterized "Vanderboegh scenario," it will be because many who decried it the loudest didn't hold up their end of the deal and actually do concrete work toward those political and legal results they tell us will be our salvation.
The rant is almost over. At the risk of alienating and driving anyone away, I'll say this flat out: If you're not doing something proactive on a regular basis to try and promote Liberty/discourage tyranny, you're part of the problem. It's not my place to tell you what to do, it's your place to find something that enthuses you and do it.
This week and the next and the next....
[Via W-3]
Chuck Baldwin explains why they're so dangerous.
I understand the Ohio vote has been delayed. None of the legislators saw fit to get back with me--I guess they thought I might be a bit peeved.
But here's a question for you, who come here regularly every day, because I presume you get some value out of it.
I asked readers to join me (I never ask for anything I don't give myself), to send an email. I even provided all the addresses.
How many did?
Apathy is the most frustrating thing I confront. It's a bigger threat than anything out there. And I have to wonder what someone will do if they won't even take a minute, literally, to send a simple email.
I've answered dismissals about "preaching to the choir" before, the first time, I believe, in my article "You Say You Want a Revolution?" published by GUNS AND AMMO back in 2001:
If only this assumption was true. We would be invincible!So it takes a special person for me to acknowledge as being a choir member.
The choir is comprised of the volunteers up there doing the work, singing. These are the people who learn the music and the words and the programs. They take significant time out from their demanding professional and personal lives to practice, to learn and to perform. And they’ll do it again next week, and the next.
The overwhelming majority of gun owners are, at best, spectators. They may occasionally attend a service, they may even put a couple dollars in the plate when it’s passed, but to actually put forth time, effort and financial support on a continued basis, to do real work and make real sacrifices, is something they typically find reasons for not doing.
I'm also reminded of a quote from Mr. Churchill.
I bring this up because I see the vast majority of gun owners, maybe, say, 97%, dismissing "threepers," sometimes with great contempt. Just the other day I saw myself characterized with the words "spittle-flying screaming about all the 'cowards' that won't start killing jack-booted thugs at the issuance of a traffic ticket."
I approached my accuser privately (and politely, I might add) and asked to see where I've done that, or even anything close to it to make it a fair caricature. For some reason he won't reply.
For the record, I'm doing what I can, and have been for years, to work toward restoration of the Republic through petitions for redress, political involvement, the legal system, the media...
The ironic thing is, if we do reach the much-mischaracterized "Vanderboegh scenario," it will be because many who decried it the loudest didn't hold up their end of the deal and actually do concrete work toward those political and legal results they tell us will be our salvation.
The rant is almost over. At the risk of alienating and driving anyone away, I'll say this flat out: If you're not doing something proactive on a regular basis to try and promote Liberty/discourage tyranny, you're part of the problem. It's not my place to tell you what to do, it's your place to find something that enthuses you and do it.
This week and the next and the next....
[Via W-3]
We're the Only Ones Who Know That Enough
The State is now conceding that the police informant in the case illegally broke into Frederick's home three nights before the raid. Until now, they had either denied the connection or refused to comment.Let me get this straight.
Frederick's attorney released an audio recording taken in a police car shortly after the raid. In it, Frederick tries to explain that he was confused and frightened because someone had broken into his home earlier in the week. A police detective replies, "We know that." In a second recording, the detective says again, "First off, we know your house had been broken into. OK?"
Their guy breaks in.
They say they know that.
But then they say they didn't know it was their guy.
It's tough following "Only One" versions some times. They get kind of...convoluted...
[Via Carl S]
This Day in History: December 17
Patriot forces in Montreal build ramparts of snow and ice. An American describes the event in a letter stating, "Who but Yankees would have thought of such a contrivance or who but enthusiastics for liberty would carry on a siege at such a season of the year."
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