I guess by the time they leaf through all those copies of Hustler and Jugs... [More]
Hey, it's not like we have a right to know about who will be given a lifetime appointment to rule on which of our rights will be recognized...
Mr. Hardy has the most insightful commentary I've seen so far. Kinda makes you wonder what all the fuss over Harriet Miers not being "qualified" was all about...not that she was.
And neither was that idiot Bork.
Our best and brightest. Right.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
A Gala Event!
And look who popped out of the cake! Why it's Dance, five-cents-a-dance Kirsten!
I wouldn't worry that fawning "social beat" reporterette Christina Wilkie didn't even spell her name right. Although the Bradys do seem to have a problem with their stuff being looked over before someone hits "publish"...

GRE Round Up for May 20
There's some good stuff being turned out by the Gun Rights Examiners. I hope you're availing yourself of it, and importantly, sharing these links via emails, on blogs and forums, with your local newspaper editor, etc.
A common complaint is media bias and absence of representation for "our side."
These people work hard to change that and ask for nothing from those of us their labors serve other than to help spread the word. I hope no one thinks that's too much to ask.
Here are their latest offerings:
Paul Valone/Charlotte:
Gun rights Marriott boycott spreads nationwide
John Longenecker/Los Angeles:
Safer Streets 2010: Ambush of guests by a hotel?
Kurt Hofmann/St. Louis:
Go. Read. And please share these links.
You're doing that, right?
A common complaint is media bias and absence of representation for "our side."
These people work hard to change that and ask for nothing from those of us their labors serve other than to help spread the word. I hope no one thinks that's too much to ask.
Here are their latest offerings:
Paul Valone/Charlotte:
Gun rights Marriott boycott spreads nationwide
John Longenecker/Los Angeles:
Safer Streets 2010: Ambush of guests by a hotel?
Kurt Hofmann/St. Louis:
Go. Read. And please share these links.
You're doing that, right?
Brady Center Blows Firearms Freedom Act Brief
So none of their co-signers "sought or received permission to" be listed? And their attorney didn't file the required motion to represent them? [More]This development warranted a second Gun Rights Examiner column.
Now This One P****s Me Off
Particularly the "ram it down your throat" thug, but some of the others are only marginally less offensive. [View]
What a bullying Nazi punk. I wonder how brave and mouthy he'd be one-on-one outside of his protective bubble?
What a bullying Nazi punk. I wonder how brave and mouthy he'd be one-on-one outside of his protective bubble?
OAS Firearms Convention "Incompatible with Liberties"
I want to show you something.
It's my shocked face.
Eh, that's not fair. A lot of good work and truth went into this, and I shouldn't be so dismissive.
I'm just to the point where it's like, bring it on.
Anyone who would try to infringe on RKBA via a treaty is just a damned foreign or domestic enemy. What more do we really need to know?
It's my shocked face.
Eh, that's not fair. A lot of good work and truth went into this, and I shouldn't be so dismissive.
I'm just to the point where it's like, bring it on.
Anyone who would try to infringe on RKBA via a treaty is just a damned foreign or domestic enemy. What more do we really need to know?
We're the Only Ones Accommodating Enough
A witness in a murder case was beaten up after Hennepin County jailers mistakenly placed him in the same holding cell as the man he'd implicated. [More]Good grief.
[Via Rhett]
Kevin Patrick
Restore rally volunteer, running for state legislature in West Virginia [Read]Figure it would be safe to give this guy a pass on this...? I probably still will--it may help.
Learn more.
We're the Only Ones Following in the Footsteps...uh..Step of the Master Enough
An APD officer accidentally shot himself in the foot during a weapons training class Wednesday afternoon. [More]It's been done...
[Via Mike III]
Down for the Count Quartet
NJ Mom Recognizes Census Worker as Sex Offender [More]It seems like only yesterday we reached the "spate" mark.
Oh, wait, it was.
And now for the comedy gold:
"I figured this is a government worker, I'm safe...Jeez, it's getting to the point where I'm going to start making some assumptions if one of these cats shows up at my door...
Do I hear "Five"?
[Via William T]
"A Fundamental Reordering"
I guess that sounds more polite than just going ahead and calling them domestic enemies...[More]
Louisiana Parks Bill Passes in Senate
The Senate voted 36-0 for the measure Senate Bill 534 sponsored by state Sen. Troy Hebert, D-Jeanerette. [More]I thought Hebert left the dems and was now an independent...? That's what his site says, and I figure he should know.
It goes to the House next. LA gun owners: Contact your reps.
Anyway, you can get more background on this here, and from my secondary feature update here.
Funny how much of the reporting on this has been done by some guy in Ohio, as opposed to by the folks who have the resources and the ostensible purpose to inform citizens of government actions affecting their rights...ah well, it looks like a grudging, albeit abbreviated and buried acknowledgment has begun...
Share this with your friends in Louisiana?
[Via retrotruckman]
Elitist 'Police Perspective' On Open Carry Attacks Our Right to Keep and Bear Arms
[W]hy Chief James allows his men to carry them seems a fair question. And he should surrender his immediately. But then, who would be qualified to accept it? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a typical "Only One" who's got his, and now wants to make sure you can't get yours.
Also watch a compelling video from Chile where women chant "We want guns!" and catch yesterday's "Trigger Sports LIVE!" (except it won't be).
This Day in History: May 20
Sir William Howe as his last act as CinC of Crown forces in American sent two major columns out of the city in an attempt to "bag" the Marquis and bring him back to the city as a prisoner. Howe went so far as to plan for a dinner with the young Frenchman as the guest of honor after which he planned to return to England with the young Marquis as his "guest". [More]
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