Results of last week's poll:

Notes from the Resistance...
Gun control advocate Britney Spears annulled her quickie Vegas marriage within hours on the grounds that she "lacked understanding of her actions to the extent that she was incapable of agreeing to marriage." Nine months later her understanding had evidently ripened, because, oops, she did it again, marrying a backup dancer who had fathered a two-year-old and a newborn with another woman.
Based on her support of an "Open Letter to the NRA," it is Britney's opinion that a host of additional gun restrictions should be enacted. After all, you may not have the mature judgment to safely possess guns.
Me, I don’t forgive unless forgiveness is sincerely asked for, backed up by a profound apology and concrete actions to undo the damage and make restitution. On this score, I’m much more likely to welcome Mr. Zumbo back into the fold. I haven’t seen anything from Petzal except his acting as a rallying point for the Fuddites who are now getting national media attention.and
I’m much more able to forgive poor dumb Zumbo–I’m honestly starting to think the guy was more ignorant than arrogant, he appears thoroughly chastised, and he’s begging for a chance to redeem himself. I’m not that heartless that I can turn from that without a degree of sympathy.
Until I see similar contrition and atonement from Petzal, I see no reason to consider him anything but a cornered collaborator using bluff bravado and revisionist deception (which Unix-Jedi has brilliantly exposed) to save his skin.