Wednesday, November 27, 2019
That's It for Me
I've got all kinds of stuff I need to attend to in prep for Thanksgiving, so assuming something huge doesn't break, that's it for the blog until Friday, except for a couple article announcements and my traditional T-Day post.
I'll try to get to comments as I can, but emails and link tips are just no-can-dos as far as responding or acting on them, so please hold off.
The Final Word?
Argument preview: Justices take up battle over New York City gun ban – and the scope of the Second Amendment? [More]Until those who would defy infringements are gone, the scope is what they say it is, and the issues raised here don't even come close.
So Controlling the Border Isn't an Option?
Mexico Wants to Meet With State Dept. After Trump Said U.S. Will Designate Drug Cartels as Terrorists [More]
Who thinks this will all play out like a surgical and effective Tom Clancy raid as opposed to more like Afghanistan?
[Via Michael G]
Biting the Hand that Feeds Them
Government workers more likely to support socialism, repealing Second Amendment: Poll [More]I'm reminded of:
"What should we think of a gentleman, who, upon hiring a waiting-man, should say to him—'my friend, please to take notice, before we come together, that I shall always claim the liberty of eating when and what I please, of fishing and hunting upon my own ground, of keeping as many horses and hounds as I can maintain, and of speaking and writing my sentiments upon all subjects.' A servant must be a fool, who would not suppose such a master to be a madman... Let these truths sink deep into our hearts: that the people are the masters of their rulers and that rulers are the servants of the people..."
Henry County supervisors quickly stand up for guns in 'sanctuary' vote [More]
How, specifically?
And noting the applause, why am I reminded of Lois Griffin running for mayor?
[Via Mack H]
The Sincerest Form
In the end, police say a firearm was accidentally discharged inside a restroom. [More]They should feel flattered.
[Via Mack H]
Brought to You by 'Commonsense Gun Safety Laws'
Grisly Footage Reveals What Iran's Regime Did to Protesters When the Internet Was Shut Down [More]Let's hear it for monopolies of violence!
[Via Michael G]
An Expert Opinion
A nauseating Christmas gun ad killed my holiday spirit [More]And John Crudele knows a thing or two about being nauseating!
[Via Mack H]
But No One's Talking About Taking Your Guns
(Give her some credit here — at least she realizes a repeal is the only (legal) means by which gun rights can be eliminated.) [More]The College Fix spreading such nonsense is actually a greater danger than the lunatic prof, because their readership dismisses her with deserved ridicule but trustingly swallows their assertions. I guess they never learned:
“The very text of the Second Amendment implicitly recognizes the pre-existence of the right and declares only that it ‘shall not be infringed.’ As we said in United States v. Cruikshank, ‘[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence."[Via Michael G]
Same as It Ever Was
In other words: socialism. But when they tried that, the Pilgrims almost starved. [More]Yet look how many turkeys are voting for it.
[Via Michael G]
UPDATE: shares some traditional Thanksgiving thoughts.
Who Are the Racists?
The primary victims of that hoax are black people. [More]And they give the primary perpetrators exactly what they want.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones the Best of Friends Enough
Former Housing Bureau Officer Martinson Afari Yeboah, 28, “recklessly, dangerously and negligently” left his loaded gun on a coffee table while he played FIFA Soccer with Frederick Afoakwah on April 21, according to a notice of claim filed Monday in Bronx Supreme Court by Ransford Afoakwah. Frederick Afoakwah, 21, picked up the gun to inspect it and it went off, striking him in the neck. [More]
"It went off."
Ghanaian, eh? Glad to see someone can carry a gun in NYC.
I wonder if he knows Mr. Franky Samora...
News You Can Wipe With
The man, 60-year-old Donovan Stewart, told CBS Miami that the robber pointed the automatic weapon at him ... [More]
No, you subject matter incompetents, even CBS didn't claim that. But congratulations on being tools:
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[Via Wynn A]
I Hate it When That Happens
Bear Attack Stopped With .45 ACP On Second Floor Of Motel [More]
The part I especially hate is when the damn "Only Ones" decide to be dicks about it.
That's a Keeper
Make no mistake. Schuklenk and his ilk — such as the adamant opponent of medical conscience, Ezekiel Emanuel — are deadly serious about crushing all dissent within the medical professions to emerging cultural paradigms, and plan to morally cleanse the ranks of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and institutions of all wrong thinkers, particularly of the religious and pro-life kind. [More]And don't get me started on guns.
I saw a show about this once.
[Via Mack H]
As it stands, accused students live with the presumption of guilt. [More]
I read a story like that once.
[Via Mack H]
Mote, Meet Beam
Baltimore County executive proposes new gun shop security rules to prevent stolen firearms [More]Because if you can't trust Baltimore government to get things done right, who can you trust?
We Could Tell You But Then We'd Have to Kill You
Gun Owners of America has obtained the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives [ATF] Industry Operations Manual used by Industry Operations Inspectors (IOI). The gun-rights group received a copy of the document after submitting multiple Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request the federal law enforcement agency. This copy is the first time since the 1990s that the manual has been made public. [More]
And the question there for our supposed "pro-gun president" is "Why?"
Send These, the Homeless, Tempest-Tossed, to Me
Northam tells Trump administration Virginia will accept more refugees [More]
Of course, the Democrats will.
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Pen-Palling Enough
Convicted GTTF Detective Writes Letter From Prison, Says He Has Information About Det. Suiter’s Death [More]
The s***hole of Baltimore is almost funny -- even the Disarmament Squad is filled with criminals.
[Via Neil W]
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