Thursday, August 16, 2007
New Trial Order for Kwan
Follow the title link for a copy of the order discussed here.
[Many thanks to Whose Paranoid for generously hosting my pdf documents, and for instructions so patiently explained even I could follow them.]
A Fork in the Road
[M]any ATF inspectors will tell you that you can try this approach, but what happens is you turn your license in, form a new corporation and then they deny request. Then the ATF contends that they did not revoke your license, you simply turned it in.
Ryan Horsley tells us of another front in BATFU's War on Gun Dealers.
[More about Red's Trading Post from WarOnGuns]
A Lot Easier than "Where's Waldo?"
It's Not Up to BATFU to Deem Journalists Legitimate
Ryan Horsley's lawyers need to check this out:
The CIA has already ceded "that bloggers are journalists, too, when it recently decided to waive the fees for Freedom of Information Act requests filed by bloggers," and that's been confirmed by an ABC News blog:
They report:"Earlier this year, the criminal trial of former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby was the first time a federal court had issued press credentials to bloggers. A rotating pool of five to 10 bloggers sat alongside dozens of traditional media reporters to hear the government try and convict one-time aide to Vice President Dick Cheney on perjury and obstruction of justice charges stemming from the leak of an undercover CIA operative's identity."
The Beltway Blogroll article then discusses how BATFU departs from this precedent established by both the Executive and Judiciary when they claim "the person at Red's taking photos with a digital camera 'did not have any affiliation with any newspaper or news agency,'" and includes a few links to Red's Blog, along with a link to and a quote from yours truly.
In this case, the photographer was acting as an independent and free citizen with the intent of documenting and disseminating information on public government activities to his fellow citizens, and in fact, this information has been used for that purpose not only on this and Ryan's blog, but also on news sites like WorldNetDaily and now the National Journal.
If BATFU's contention prevails, they will, in essence and effect, be given judicial authority to decide who is qualified to report to us on their activities--and who is not. That's hardly within the scope of their assigned "authority," and hardly within the scope of government's authority to delegate to them.
It seems to me the judge should be given this information.
[More about Red's Trading Post from WarOnGuns]
Bradys Call for National Protest on Aug. 28
On August 28, activists in cities across America will hold a national day of protest to focus attention on the scourge of illegal gun trafficking.
As I said on KABA Newslink Comments:
I'm going to try and start a blog swarm at WarOnGuns to get gun owners to buy a box of ammo on Aug 28--be nice if gun stores would offer some sort of nominal discount or a door prize (no purchase necessary to enter, just to keep things legal) or some such on that day to encourage this--Tuesdays may typically be slow days anyway, so this would get people in their stores and probably work out to their profit.
It'd be nice unintended consequences for the Bradys if we could demonstrate a few percentage points of sales increases on that day because of this.
If gun stores use a door prize incentive, I'd like to see them give away a copy of JPFO's "The Gang," but the point is just to make it happen, not to get caught up in the details of how. We're far enough away to where this won't encroach on National Ammo Day, and it would be a great in-your-face to have our enemies' plans backfire on them.
But here's the thing: It won't happen if it's just me pushing. It will die in obscurity on this blog.
Will YOU take it on yourself to spread the word, to participate, to get this message to your favorite gun store, to post about it if you have a blog, or to ask blogs you frequent to encourage their readers to join in?
As gun owners, we need to buy ammo anyway, and this really will take minimal effort on everyone's part. Or will this just be another "Profile in Apathy," where little is asked and nothing is done?
UPDATE: Looks like the Firearms Coalition thought up a similar idea for the same date. They call it "National Exercise Your Rights Day," and urge us to:
[S]tage active counter-protests, picnics, and marches to clearly demonstrate that a majority of Americans support all civil rights for all citizens, not the watered-down, pick-and-choose version of civil rights advocated by Jackson and his RainbowPush coalition.
Interesting Name for a Blog...
[Via M.D. Creekmore]
Archdiocese Checking Up on Snuffy

I wonder if Snuffy Pfleger knows his bosses are doing Google searches of his name--hopefully to assess how much damage he's done to the church's reputation with everyone who's not a race-baiting loon. I'd love to see them make good on their order to reassign him .
Cool Video
The producers of the documentary say a new and expanded DVD version will be available in July, but I don't see order information.
[Via Don Hagen]
This Day in History: August 16
August 16. 1775
In New Jersey, the Provincial Congress resolves to organize a military force consisting of 48 battalions, one ranger company, and 63 companies of minutemen.
In New Jersey...