Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Len Savage on Lou Dobbs
That's all the info I have--just wanted get it out there as a "heads up."
It's on at 7:00PM EST. Check your local listings for other time zones.
You'll recall last time, the episode was split in two, and Len's segment didn't come on until the next night. I have no idea if that will happen again, but with this raw information just coming in wanted to put that out there in case anybody ends up disappointed and thinks I gave bad info.
UPDATE: He wasn't on tonight's segment, but they are doing a great job summarizing the Olofson case.
A Lockdown in Virginia
The University of Richmond lifted a campus lockdown Tuesday evening after police did not locate a man seen wearing a holster with some type of handgun.

Thank goodness there was a no-nonsense firearm prohibition and a professionally developed plan in place!
[Via Defender]
Mark Your Calendars: David E. Young Interview
As per our usual practice, site visitors will have an opportunity to ask him their own questions via "Comments" during specified hours (to be announced) on Monday.
If you're not familiar with Mr. Young's work, you should be. Here's a link to his website.
And here are links to previous WOG Interviews so you can see how they work:
Matthew Bracken
David Hardy
Ryan Horsley
Clayton Cramer
This is going to be both educational and fun. Please pass the word along to help maximize awareness and attendance.
The Secret Location of the BATFU Cave
Anderson said he expects the new office to be opened in the upcoming months. The exact location of the office would not be disclosed, he said.
Gee, I wonder why. BATFU does so much to engender good will among their countrymen.
Take note of the fear. And note it makes them even more dangerous.
This is the climate under the leadership of "Maximum Mike," the number one pick of "The Vote Freedom First President." But don't think he'll just go away in '09: He's also the darling of Ted Kennedy and John Kerry, so I'm sure the democrat power structure has noted the attack dog is indifferent to his master so long as the meat supply holds out.
UPDATE: I just noticed one of the flash ads on the page works well with my title. Also, check out reader comments from some of the jackboot polishers in the Brockton area.

We're the Only Ones Impersonating Enough
A sadistic gang of police impersonators abducted and tortured scores of East Coast cocaine traffickers, forcing them to hand over multimillion-dollar stashes by threatening to squeeze their testicles with pliers, authorities said Tuesday.How could they tell they were impersonators and not real "Only Ones"?
At least the imposters knew their victims have been conditioned to be afraid to "lift a finger."
[Via AvgJoe]
Unarmed Emergency Preparedness Planning
The rumored shooting was allegedly associated with Cinco de Mayo, a regional holiday in Mexico that is celebrated on the fifth of May.
...“We just asked the faculty to be visible and available and to keep all of the students at the back of the school during the lunch period on Friday and Monday,” he said.
I've said it before--what a way to get out of a test or a due homework assignment.
I've also broached the subject of armed adults on school grounds, but Wayne's voice carries farther.
Well bless me! I had to use The Wayback Machine! My old links to the LaPierre "no guns in schools except for 'only ones'" speech don't work any more--they now get routed to a speech archive page and guess which one is missing?
Little bit of "Commissar Vanishes" historical revisionism going on here, or was removal of that particular record just a coincidence? Funny--Heston's 1999 remarks are still posted...
Oh well--screen shots have been duly recorded.
[Via AvgJoe]
We're the Only Ones Careless Enough Redux
The police chief who shot himself in the ankle was waving a loaded pistol and being careless, according to two students who were attending his class to qualify for a concealed-weapons permit. "We were told the gun is the chief's personal sidearm, but it looked to me like he didn't know anything about the gun," Lewis Walker said.
We talked about this the other day. This just confirms what we all suspected.
I'd say Chief Hansen is the odds-on early favorite to win this year's coveted Lee Paige "Only One" Award.
[Via Anonymous]
We're the Only Ones Kicking You When You're Down Enough
It does partially explain why Philly wants special rules to give their "Only Ones" more of an advantage though.
We're the Proto-Only Ones "Animal House" Enough
Those arrested included a student who was about to receive a criminal justice degree and another who was to receive a master's degree in homeland security.It just sounds like you young men were precocious and ahead of the curve.
My favorite quote came from the ABC report:
Ralph Partridge, special agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Agency's San Diego division, said that "the sad part" was that the student graduating with a masters degree in Homeland Security asked "whether it would have an effect on [his] being a federal law enforcement officer."Colleges sure are doing a great job instilling that "Only Ones" attitude, aren't they?
Don't worry son. There's plenty of market demand for someone of your ethical standing.
[Via Hobbit]
We're the Only Ones Criminally Conspiring Enough
The evidence at trial showed that the defendant and his co-defendants were members of a wide-ranging criminal conspiracy, led by former Los Angeles police officer Ruben Palomares and including other law enforcement officers and drug dealers. Together, they committed more than 40 burglaries and robberies throughout the Los Angeles area between early 1999 and June of 2001. The robberies generally were committed after the group received information that a particular location was involved in illegal drug-trafficking. The robbery teams usually consisted of multiple sworn police officers in uniform or displaying a badge, who would gain access to the residence by falsely telling any occupants that they were conducting a legitimate search for drugs or drug dealers. Victims often were restrained, threatened or assaulted during the search. These assaults included firing a stun gun at a victim, striking victims with police batons and putting a gun in the mouth of a victim. When the group stole drugs, they would use co-conspirators to sell the drugs and they would split the profits among the group.Yeah, these are "The Only Ones" trustworthy enough to be armed in LA, alright. Just try getting a "permit" (if you're not "connected") from Obergruppenführers Baca and Bratton.
But they're just "a few bad apples," right? From four different agencies, and all seriously warped enough to think the systems they operated within provided enough opportunities to make it worth the risk.
Why was it we're not supposed to have "ammunition capable of penetrating a police vest" again?
[Via Plug Nickel Times]
Dial 911 and...
The operator basically provided enough distraction cover to enable a getaway.
And so much for gun owners being bloodthirsty trigger-happy Rambo wannabes...if anything, our natural aversion--and all good people have it--to harming another human being puts us at a disadvantage when confronted by those who share no such reservations. This is exactly where we must subordinate conflicting emotions to training.
I am pleased this decent man did not get hurt. I saw an opportunity for a determined adversary to get close enough to do so.
[Via Chad C]
VCDL: Time to Move on National Parks
Instead, the DOI change is nothing more than a token effort to appease both a majority of the United States Senate and over a million gun owners while still retaining their "if you have a loaded firearm, you're a poacher" attitude.True, the proposals on the table fall short. That's why your comments are needed.
So, VCDL is asking you to do the following:
Respond to the DOI's request for input to its proposed rule by politely urging them to assimilate state firearms laws for ALL law-abiding gun owners where the National Park Service's sites and the National Wildlife Refuges are located.
To send in your comments to the DOI, click here...
[Via Clint]
It Makes Sense When You Think About It
Rosie O'Donnell defended Rev. Jeremiah Wright on the "Today" show on Monday, saying Barack Obama's former pastor "made sense to me."And we all know how grounded in reality she is.
Hence the oxymoronic nature of the term "common sense gun control."
And speaking of oxy morons...
This Day in History: May 7
A little knowledge of human nature, and attention to its ordinary workings, might have foreseen that the spirits of the people here were in a state, in which they were more likely to be provoked, than frightened, by haughty deportment.What did Santayana say?