At least temporarily.
[Via Stephen S and Peter G]
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
A Different Perspective
Looks like someone took one of our old Citizens of America radio spots, added some pictures to it and made a slide show.
The Mission of X-Offenders for Community empowerment is to empower ex-offenders to become change agents in mobilizing the community to address issues threatening healthy family and community life.Uh-huh. Why do I sense a catch in here somewhere that makes this my problem?
Oh, I don't know...
"We're researching ways to target legitimate dealers who sell illegal guns under the table in stores or gun shows as well as the guy selling illegal guns out of his car trunk," says Jacobs, "because they are just as guilty of murder as the kid who uses that gun to rob a gas station. We must restrict the availability of these weapons by holding owners and dealers responsibility for missing, stolen or under-the-table guns." Illegal guns are destroying our cities," Blackburn adds, "and this is something we think both the NRA and the gun control advocates can get behind". It’s the middle ground of the debate, a perfect compromise for both sides. Look, people can walk right out of jail and get a gun with just a phone call. And as a society, we only seem interested in what happens after the gun is obtained and a violent crime is committed. What we're saying is we have to start looking at ways to prevent kids from getting their hands on a gun, not just wait to lock them up after somebody gets shot."Sounds like you learned quite a bit during your time in the slammer there, fellas, like how to deflect responsibility to everyone but yourselves. We're responsible for you stealing our guns? We're required to report it under penalty of law while you're exempt?
How about this instead? Don't threaten people and they won't need to respond.
That sounds like a reasonable "middle ground" and "perfect compromise" to me.
My rights are not subject to anyone else's inability or unwillingness to control himself. Period.
[Sebastian touched on this a few weeks ago.]
We're the Only Ones Icing Children Enough
A number of civilians, including a child selling ice water, have been shot dead by police in the Accra suburb of Ashiaman, this morning. Several people have been injured. This followed a clash between the Ashiaman Police and "trotro" drivers. According to an Accra-based radio station, police arrested a driver who was allegedly later beaten to death in the police cells.Mercy!
Good thing this could never happen here! America has equal protection for all, and doesn't believe in the concept of "Only Ones"...oh...wait... never mind...
But it's still a good thing that Ghanaian gun control is working so well. Of course, I'd still avoid police funerals...
We're the Only Ones with a Citty Attitude Enough

OKC police chief wants tighter gun lawsOf course he does.
We all know "youth violence" will be forever curbed if only we further impede sales and register your guns.
OKC Chief "Only One" Bill Citty said it, I believe it, that settles it.
["I am smart" jingle courtesy of Homer Simpson]
Martial Law on the Installment Plan
For his part, Patrick Henry agreed that the provision granting power to Congress to call out the militia was a potentially fatal flaw in the document. "In this great, this essential part of the Constitution, if you are safe, it is not [because of] the Constitution, but [because of] the virtues of the men in government," he wryly observed. "If gentlemen are willing to trust themselves and posterity to so slender and improbable a chance, they have greater strength of nerves than I have."William N Grigg shows how the militia of We the People has been replaced by what the Founders feared.
This guy is such a good and observant writer...
[Via Ron W]
Heresy or a Return to Basics?
Unfortunately, the 1911 had/has a design flaw that is mechanical in nature. It excludes the use of a shooting method with the 1911 that is natural, fast, automatic, and accurate, and that in turn, may prove fatal to a user.I occasionally need to reiterate that this is a gun rights blog, not a gun blog. This is such a time, and I am providing this link without further comment.
I leave it to you to examine the thesis and offer your opinions.
SHTF Medical Course
Coeur d'Alene, ID - June 20-22
Field Expedient Medical Care for Outdoorsmen in Austere Environments
This two-day (16 hour) course of instruction will prepare the motivated outdoorsman to treat life-threatening and function-threatening medical conditions in the wilderness without access to classical EMS and medical resources.
Brought to you by our friends at Western Rifle Shooters Association.
Of Guns and Butter Knives
Knife violence in London is now running as high as gun warfare in some US cities, it is claimed today.Well then it's obvious. They need more gun and kitchen utensil control.
One of Britain's leading trauma surgeons has told how one in three of his trauma patients is now a stabbing victim.
It won't solve anything--but it will give me an unending source of ironic and stupid stories to comment on.
[Via Zachary G]
Wallace: No Surrender!
Smyrna gun shop owner Jay Wallace ended his current courtroom fight against a New York City lawsuit on Monday, saying that the trial was unfair and he accepted a judgment against him so he could appeal to a higher court.I was disheartened this morning to learn of this through Bloomberg's press release, which paints a very different picture of surrender--figures he would rely on misleading and omitting important facts to paint himself a media victory.
"I wasn't getting a fair shake here in this court, so why should I continue?" Wallace said after the morning's legal action.
I wasn't aware that Bloomberg co-conspirator Judge Weinstein had relegated the jury to advisors only, in essence assigning to himself the role of judge, jury and executioner. And it looks like my suspicion about Bloomberg not testifying was correct.
Mr. Wallace's decision to withdraw and choose another venue that is not so blatantly corrupt is smart. He is indeed proving himself to be a bold and principled man, and worthy of our respect and support.
When I only had the Bloomberg press release to go on, I was going to say something about people not supporting Adventure Outdoors in its defense. Now that I've had a chance to see what's really going on I realize those who have not yet helped out have been given another chance.
Please go here and contribute to the defense fund. And spread the word.
This Day in History: June 3
On June 3, 1775, the Provincial Congress of New Jersey resolved .... "taking into consideration the cruel and arbitrary measures adopted and pursued by the British Parliment and present ministry, for the purpose of subjugating the Americal Colonies to the most abject servitude .... the inhabitants of this Province be forthwith properly armed and disciplined for defending the cause of American freedom ...
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