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This fax.
And if you don't like one finger, you can always send three...
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I Guess They Don't Want...
...the competition...? [More]Which is actually insulting to prostitutes.
There's nothing consensual when government takes your money and rapes you.
If you ask me, "the world's oldest profession" is actually murderous thief.
True, you can get an STD from a sex worker. But there's no protecting yourself and there's nothing deadlier than a GTD (Government-Transmitted Despotism) epidemic.
It's Like They Do This Stuff on Purpose
Dreams of Obama...[More]Click on the title link to see for yourself before the page changes. Here's a screenshot:

Click to enlarge. Could the guy look any more the part?
Goebbels would be proud of the state-sponsored propaganda, don't you think?
Funding for The Choice 2008 was provided in part by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.For some reason I'm reminded of the reputed Chicom practice of making families pay for the bullet used to execute prisoners.
The Dead Zone
Cleveland Police Investigate Three Homicides...[More]Well, at least we know what won't work...
There's a Man With a Gun Over There...
...and the LASD apparently needs to make sure he doesn't presume himself to be an equal of the "Only Ones"...[More]
[Via Jeffersonian]
[Via Jeffersonian]
Garbage In, Garbage Out
Anything that breaks the morning pattern is obvious to them, which makes it easy for the garbage collectors to perform an added job — eyes for the police. [More]I'm just surprised the cops don't have a corp of sewer workers with wetsuits, masks and snorkels.
And remember: "They" hate us because we're free...
[Via Declan]
When Authorized Journalists and Only Ones Collide

When the deputy stopped the car, Rhodes got out and his pants and belt were undone... [More]I can't tell you how refreshing it is to finally find an "Authorized Journalist" who is so intimately familiar with and has such a firm grasp of his subject matter...
As for being "charged with obstructing or opposing an officer without violence," that's OK. The "Only One" more than made up for your nonviolence, Mr. Rhodes. And I see by your apology you apparently believe you got what you deserved. You're a bad citizen. Bad, bad bad...
Continue being a useful cheerleader for the police state.
Speaking of which, who do you think worked him over...I mean, "forced him to the ground"...?
A peace officer or a law enforcement officer?
Y'know if that face is the result of citizen nonviolence, some of us might be inclined to consider a more...robust resistance...
[Via Ed M]
An Unconfirmed Rumor About Russian Ammo
As long as we clearly understand this is totally unconfirmed, I still feel compelled to share it on the chance there could be something to it:
As for being impressed by the personable BATFU reps, I do wonder if they'd leave such a favorable impression were someone acting like "shall not be infringed" means what it says in front of them...
I attended the ...Gun Show today... this 600 table show draws exhibitors from throughout the Southeast, including the NRA and the BATFE (separate rooms in the exhibit hall). While I was at the BATFE table (I would simultaneously talk to Jesus and Satan if I could arrange it), an exhibitor approached the two BATFE agents (who actually were very nice and advising two FFL’s how to better handle a particularly obnoxious and notorious overzealous local BATFE agent to effect a positive outcome for the FFL’s) and complained that U.S. Customs in the Port of Miami impounded his shipment of Russian small arms ammunition in anticipation of a ammunition import policy change effective January 20, 2009 (Obama Inauguration Day). The two BATFE agents basically stated that they would be “the last to know”, but as far as they knew there was no policy change, and they advised that the exhibitor’s attorney should contact U.S. Customs to inquire what the particular problem was to effect immediate release of the shipment. Common sense and logical advice, but a few days will tell. I was impressed by the two BATFE agents and how they handled the people approaching them at the show.I'm keeping the name of my correspondent and identifying information about the particular show out of this because I don't want anyone embarrassed by this (but me, and I don't embarrass) should it turn out to be nothing.
As for being impressed by the personable BATFU reps, I do wonder if they'd leave such a favorable impression were someone acting like "shall not be infringed" means what it says in front of them...
They Need to Shorten Up the Name a Bit, but Yeah...
From the “Only police should have guns file”...Y'know, I kind'a like that concept.
Somebody should start up a file like that...

This "Threeper" crap has gotta stop. We're scaring people away, and it makes us all look bad.
Ditto with the name calling. "Jack-booted thugs" makes us look like anti-law enforcement extremists.
Doesn't everyone agree?
Obama's Totalitarian Choice for Attorney General
Codrea is right about one thing - forget about the wimps in the NRA who are doing nothing to stop this fiasco. [More]Actually, I'd say complaining Holder isn't a strong enough proponent of federal gun control and then letting senators know a confirmation vote will not be held against them is worse than doing nothing.
But they sure straddle both sides of the fence like seasoned pros, don't they?
I Don't Know Art, But I Know What I Like
Hundreds of Vietnamese Americans demonstrated Saturday outside a provocative art exhibit in Santa Ana that had featured Communist symbols that protesters claimed mocked their painful experiences as political refugees. [More]I so love hip, artsy Southern California libs.
I remember years back, the modern art museum held an Andy Warhol exhibit, and had plastered banners of his Mao portrait all over town, even hanging from street lamps, which means they had local government endorsement. The section I was driving through was known for its large Jewish community. Matter of fact, the reason we were there was to go to my favorite deli.
I remember at the time wondering if it would have been so enthusiastically supported/ passively accepted had the banners featured Hitler's portrait. Or are some genocidal monsters more acceptable in enlightened society than others?
My favorite interaction with modern artists--and in the interests of full disclosure I deem most of them ridiculous frauds-- is when we took the kids to the LaBrea Tar Pits museum and decided to have lunch at (the now-closed) Johnnie's a block or so down...
In order to get there, we had to pass the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and they were having some kind of local artists' sidewalk exhibit--my wife pushed the stroller with youngest feral son Qusay peacefully slumbering, and I held hands and walked behind with eldest feral son Uday, probably four at the time...
To make a long story short, the kid has always been precocious, to my continued amazement and joy. Anyway, as we walked past the various exhibitors, he decided on his own to size up their work and give on-the-spot critiques.
The wife, who is more sensitive (and an all-around nicer human being) than I am, was properly mortified. Me, I could barely suppress the laughter seeing the reactions as we passed each canvas, the danged munchkin pointing and pronouncing "Good...good...crap...crap...crap..."
Isn't that what art is supposed to do? Give us new ways of exploring truth...?
"Easy Access"

He has repelled two monsters, this brave youth, most certainly saving his grandmother, and probably himself, as murderers tend not to look upon witnesses with favor. He has stopped a violent crime from happening and assured that at least one sociopathic reptile will never again find human victims.I dust off an old article for my Gun Rights Examiner readers who probably have not seen it.
So where are the headlines: RESPONSIBLE ARMED YOUTH SAVES LIVES...? I mean, the press is supposed to be objective and unbiased, right?
Do you think the scenario may have played out differently had the wonks at Handgun Control, Inc., been heeded?[More]
You may not have, either.
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This Day in History: January 18
On January 18, 1777, while the Declaration was still in Baltimore, Congress, bolstered by military successes at Trenton and Princeton, ordered the second official printing of the document. The July 4 printing had included only the names of John Hancock and Charles Thomson, and even though the first printing had been promptly circulated to the states, the names of subsequent signers were kept secret for a time because of fear of British reprisals. [More]
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