Google, in its role as arbiter of what qualifies for its news feed, has decided that my exclusive on the federal judge declaring the New Jersey stun gun ban unconstitutional because it violates the Second Amendment, is not newsworthy.
As with my exclusive on the state AG making that admission, look for news feed presence on this latest development once Big Boy Media "reports" on it a few days later.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
California ‘Catch-22’ on ‘Assault Weapons’ Evokes Fundamental Question for Gun Owners
Assembly Bill 1135 and Senate Bill 880 became effective Jan. 1 of this year and part of the new law requires those who have assault weapons to register them by Jan. 1 2018,” CBS 13 Sacramento reports. “But the website to do so isn’t working.” [More]What's a little in-your-face entrapment among "friends"?
Amerikaners for Final Solutions
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[Via Rough and Ready]
Sounds Like a Job for Weinstein and Streep
Why is there no stream of gripping films about the thousands of troubled Americans with easy access to guns who can lethally act out their darkest grievances on family and society day after day? [More]Because every time they come up with an anti-gun movie, it bombs at the box office?
Hey, whatever happened to this project, anyway?
Francis X. Clines almost pops out his Rapex in his latest hissy fit.
[Via Michael G]
Speak Now, and Forever Hold Your Piece
We fight peacefully in the political arena, in the courts, and in the shrinking marketplace of ideas while we can, but we must also be ready to fight in the streets when those punky puffboys try to shut us up. No quarter, no compromise, no surrender – we fight and win, or they shut us up forever. [More]A point of contention is referring to tyrannophiles as "liberals."
[Via Sam Adams 1776]
Transparency, Opposite Day 'Progressive'-Style
When Stuckey asked who was paying him, several event leaders, who called themselves “marshals,” told him to stop asking questions and tried to bar him from streaming the protest on Facebook Live. [More]Follow the money. And remember the legal phrase "knew or should have known" for damage accountability.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Bidened Enough
That’s when Plummer fired a single-shot through the front window in hopes to scare away who he assumed were burglars. [More]Jeeze, if you can't take the advice of the head of Obama's "gun violence" task force, whose advice can you take?
And yeah, it makes a useful verb. Come to think of it, so would "chelseaed."
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Expediting Enough
Three retired NYPD officers were among five people arrested as part of the ongoing probe into members of the department expediting gun permits for cash. [More]I understand they plan on using the Jojo Krako defense:
Who's infringin'?We're expeditin'.[Via Jess]
We're the Only Ones Less Shocking Enough
Police use of Tasers has dropped in Virginia — in some cases dramatically — in the year since a federal appeals court decision essentially “rewrote policy for every department” in the state, a nationally recognized expert on stun guns and police use of force says. [More]And what about police shootings? Sorry, "Precise statistics on the number of killings by police in Virginia are not available" and Fairfax PD "has decided unilaterally to stop reporting the data to state police."
Another perk of being "Only Ones," I suppose.
[Via Mack H]
I Hate to Say I Told You So
For decades, gun rights were a somewhat tricky subject for Democrats running in what used to be a red state, but demographic shifts and the voting power of populous Northern Virginia has allowed Democrats to make calls for tighter gun restrictions a key part of their platform, even if it means risking the ire of the politically powerful gun-rights group headquartered in Fairfax. In the 2013 governor’s race, the NRA donated $500,000 to Republican Ken Cuccinelli, who lost to McAuliffe. [More]Thank goodness that "demographic shift" has nothing to do with that "single issue"!
[Via Mack H]
To Hear or Not to Hear
That is the question. [More]
The answer will tell us much.
If I had to dust off the old crystal ball, I'd guess they will, but the ruling will be such to allow states to determine their own "shall issue" criteria; that will preclude federally-mandated reciprocity; and a challenge to that will go unheard.
And yeah, it's just me guessing.
[Via Greg K]
Crimes Against Collectivism
Apparently repealing Obamacare could violate international law [More]But enslaving us to pay for it does not?
Not Quite a Rousing Victory
First Bundy ranch trial ends in mistrial, few convictions; judge criticized for rulings [More]And eight of the convictions were against a CI?
This Navarro character reminds me of another judge.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Training Exclusively Enough
A Rocky River police officer was taken to the hospital Monday afternoon after being shot in the leg at a shooting range ... only used by law enforcement for training. [More]I can't begin to tell you how many times that's happened to me under much less controlled circumstances.
[Via Tom Skoch]
Upon this Crock
Instead, Cardinal Wuerl, Pope Francis and other hierarchs who should know better reiterate politically correct anti-gun propaganda. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops even wants to criminalize civilian handgun possession. [More]What better place to infiltrate?
Feet of Clay
Ronald Reagan: ‘Those Who Seek to Inflict Harm Are Not Fazed by Gun Control Laws’ [More]Then why was he so bent on inflicting them, and why does the "pro-gun" establishment continue perpetuating an unsustainable myth?
I thought the great strength of "our side" was supposed to be the truth...?
This'll Be the Longest Jump Yet!
This event will feature 93 people lying on the grassy ground at Woodruff to represent what organizers say are the number of people who die daily in the U.S. from gun violence. [More]I wonder if the Evel Knievel costume still fits...
My Kind of Razzmatazz
Chicago passes 1,000 gunshot victims for the year, pace of violence close to 2016 [More]Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.
[Via Keith B]
Zap to Jog
Can a slight charge of electricity improve an ailing memory? [More]Now that it looks like changes are a-comin' in Joisey, maybe doctors there can answer that question.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Groping Enough
Naturally, Sheriff Jeff Hobby is standing by this rights violation on a massive scale, noting that as long as a school administrator was present, the search of the children was legal. [More]Except now that he's seeing negative consequences, he's throwing his deputy under the bus.
And hiding:
[Via William T]
Dipping Their Toes in the Pool
Clark County Shooting Complex offers program for women [More]Don Turner & Co. prep them for deeper waters.
It's Still On
Join us for an afternoon of FREE SPEECH in America. We won’t let the bad guys win. [More]Her lack of acknowledgment and absence will be an indicator of what Ann is really made of.
Thanks for Your Vote. Now Go Away Until Next Time.
Since voters have given the GOP a veto-proof majority, three elections in a row, you might expect the Republicans to use the power we’ve vested in them to push the principles of a free republic; to fight for the recognition and protection of long-eroding gun rights, for example. Unfortunately, if you expected this you would be disappointed. Republicans have gone squishy on gun rights, and you’ll probably be perplexed by their excuse. [More]Not so much perplexed as revolted by RINOs. I wonder how many of those POS's campaigned on their creds as "staunch defenders of the Second Amendment"...?
But based on election results, nothing will change until one of the Quislings is targeted and made an example of. And then the next one. If the bastards won't do their damn job out of principle, make them do it out of fear.
The problem is, that means getting involved and actually doing something. I wonder how many gun owners there are in North Carolina and how many are members of GRNC, or ever do squat ...?
By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them
Citing its support for gun control, Concordia shoots down student NRA club [More]And there's no shortage of fruits. They're such useful idiots when it comes to cultural terraforming that George Soros' Open Society Foundations is helping fund their "progressive" subversion.
Now You See It, Now You Don't
Just curious why I'm getting a "404" over at
But not at Google cache:
What's your best guess, ZZ Top?
A New Word
Definition of CHELSEA
1 : an award that is conferred or bestowed for the purpose of ingratiating oneself to an opportunistic and narcissist beneficiary of inherited influence but no personal achievement.
2 : a trophy, medallion, plaque or other physical object commemorating the award.
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