Ammo 9mm Federal 124 Grain +P+ Hydra Shok, JHP 50 Round Box Law Enforcement Sales Only [More]
And what virtues do "
Only Ones" possess that make it more desirable for them to have this ammunition instead of, say, you and me?
Let's let reviewer
5pointbadge explain--he does it so much better than I ever could:

And who among us doesn't want "a Veteran Police Officer in the boonies" shooting "melon eaters"...?
Say, you don't think that's
code for anything, do you, or that the fact that he's so "veteran" means he's been deploying with this attitude for years...? Still, it's refreshing to hear him admit they "attemp[t]to use deadly force" rather than shooting to stop an attack, and that he equates this to "ensur[ing] that Justice is carried out,"
especially with a "bleeding heart DA" mucking up the punishment.
Well, at least we know why guys like 5pb get the Hydra Shoks and we don't. They must figure if they're the ones being vigilante...uh..."
vigilent" [sic], it's cheaper than dirt-napping in some melon patch.
[Via Steven K]