So to recap the Brady Campaign, VPC and ACLU positions, the Framers included the words “well regulated” in an amendment stating the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed so that government could impose “commonsense regulations.” These would include laws to deny the keeping and bearing of arms, especially since only government agents were intended to be empowered by the Bill of Rights in the first place."Well Regulated," my Sept. 2006 Rights Watch column for GUNS Magazine, is now online.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
"Well Regulated"
GUNS Magazine, September 1956

No such nonsense as a store-bought shotgun for 18-year-old Arnold Allen of Ada, Okla. He made his own. He used a three-quarter-inch pipe for the barrel, whittled himself a stock and used a small nail for the firing pin.And no federal ninjas broke his door down and destroyed his life.
Of course, that was 50 years ago.
The September 1956 issue of GUNS Magazine is now online.
Also in this issue:
- "Was Wyatt Earp Hero or Heel?" [Seeing as how he imposed "gun control" in Tombstone, my vote is for the latter, along with article author and GCA '68 proponent Hugh O'Brian]
- "Russia's Secret All-Purpose Cartridge"
- "Where Tommy Guns Are Shot By Civilian Marksmen"
- and much more, including the classic period ads (featuring classic period prices).
Download your copy now, before it disappears from the site.
A Walk in the Park
Coleman wants officers to be able to arrest anyone carrying a gun in a city park and confiscate the weapon. A court ruling released last week by the 6 th District Court of Appeals in Toledo upheld that city’s law banning guns in parks...They know their efforts to disarm violent criminals are futile, so this is aimed squarely at you, "law-abiding" CCW permit holders...
And you can bet when overlord Mike Coleman makes his announcement of the new law from a city park, he'll be flanked by the finest armed protection taxpayer money can buy.
Pennsylvanians Support Self-Enslavement
A new poll of likely voters in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties conducted by Lake Research Partners (see complete poll here in Word format) shows that suburban Philadelphia voters overwhelmingly support tougher laws to control the availability of guns and reduce gun crime. Support for tougher gun laws cuts across all demographic lines and includes Democrats, independents and Republicans.I realize asking a different set of questions could produce different results, but we can't whistle through the graveyard past this one.
Most of our neighbors are ignorant of this issue and have strong emotional responses that are ripe for manipulation.
Progressive Is as Progressive Does
This is what I’d expect of Florida, which recently passed a “shoot first” — also called a “shoot the Avon lady” — bill. I’d expect it of Texas too. But Minnesota? I grew up thinking of Minnesota as a socially progressive state.I guess that all depends on how you define "progressive," Colonel Klink...I mean, Verlyn Klinkenborg.
We realize to an unreconstructed socialist police-stater like yourself that means being in thrall to the collective, but thank goodness there are still those willing to defy and resist lying pseudointellectual traitors. And it looks like they're making "progress."
Contemptible little Red, aren't you?
[Thanks to Jason M]
This Day in History: September 6
On this day in 1781, British Brigadier General Benedict Arnold, a former Patriot officer already infamous and much maligned for betraying the United States the previous year, adds to his notoriety by ordering his British command to burn New London, Connecticut.
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