Each month, in commemoration of their 50th Anniversary, GUNS Magazine is posting .pdf files of issues from their founding year. The June 1955 issue is now online.
I get a kick out of looking through these windows to a different time, and the articles are still fascinating reads.
That's Fred MacMurray and Donna Reed on the cover, playing Meriwether Lewis and Sacajawea in "The Far Horizons." The accompanying article features the guns used by the Lewis and Clark expedition (note the blunderbuss, and that the infamous Miller decision centered on challenging short barrel shotguns not having an acknowledged military utility.)
You can read about a seven-shooter, a brief bio on Buffalo Bill, and see "The First New Revolver in 50 Years." You can peruse the classified ads--God bless whoever it was selling this:
NEW-YOUR Constitutional Guarantee (The
Second Amendment) now available on colorful
patriotic wall plaque Hand-screened on blond
wood 9"x7", ready for your wall or gun rack.
Return if not delighted. $2.95 postpaid.
Merryfield, Bristol 2, Vermont.
Take a trip back through time. And best of all, it's free.