Still dealing with some post-op physical realities.
I'll be OK--it's just for now, it is what it is.
Do me a favor and go promote the hell out of today's Examiner column.
And this new one.
Lou Dobbs has a great pro-RKBA video.
Notes from the Resistance...
If that were my loved one being mauled, having her face ripped off, being rended limb-from-limb, would I want to have the most effective means at my disposal to immediately save her?Today's Gun Rights Examiner column presents a thought experiment of sorts. Read the column while you listen to a real time animal attack unfold...
Or would I rather be useless, and stand shrieking and blubbering helplessly into a telephone while some government worker on the other end of the line tells me to calm down? [More]
Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners: Austin: Another Brady hallucination: More guns, more ‘gun violence’ (Part 1) Charlotte: Guns and the Constitution: Rep. Itse responds to readers on secession bill DC: DC City Council enables residents’ easy access to mail order handgun carry permits! Denver: Active compliance......or not Los Angeles: Orange County Gun Control: Backing The Sheriff, or backing the people the sheriff works for? Milwaukee: Time to change our attitude about guns Minneapolis: Dispelling the myth of “The Wild West” St. Louis: Mexico's bloody drug war is not the fault of 'lax U.S. gun laws'
On this day in 1777, the Continental Congress votes to promote Thomas Mifflin; Arthur St. Clair; William Alexander, Lord Stirling; Adam Stephen; and Benjamin Lincoln to the rank of major general. Although the promotions were intended in part to balance the number of generals from each state, Brigadier General Benedict Arnold felt slighted that five junior officers received promotions ahead of him and, in response, threatened to resign from the Patriot army. [More]