These powers, of course, will be inherited by Hillary...or whichever democrat this scary individual is intent on guaranteeing the presidency to.
Not that we should be surprised--by this, or by the viciousness with which the GOP establishment is going after Ron Paul.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Message for Gun Dealers: STOP BEING STUPID
The owners of Keller Gun Works Inc. pleaded guilty to firearms violations stemming from the sale of a rifle to an undercover federal agent and allowing another person to complete the required paperwork, U.S. Attorney Catherine Hanaway said Tuesday.Yes, I know, this regulation is an infringement. But for right now, it is what it is, and we're seeing far too many gun shops getting closed down because the people behind the counter think cutting corners is going to get them something besides a world of hurt. I can't believe experienced dealers with a proprietary interest in their business and their freedom acted this negligently.
It's not rocket science. There are forms that need to be properly and completely filled out, ID that needs to be produced, a check that needs to be run, records that need to be kept. There are practices to follow and behaviors to beware that everyone is well aware of--and if not, is too damned oblivious to trust anyway.
Note to gun dealers and their employees: In case you haven't noticed, BATFU is doing its best to close you down and prosecute you with criminal charges and financial penalties. They are strongly motivated, they will mess you up nine ways from Sunday, and they will enjoy the experience.
Deal courteously with all customers, but always bear in mind they may be agents, they may be informants--even long time customers and "friends"--you don't know who's got what on them, and they may be turning you over to save themselves. That's the way it works--that's why they call this sort of thing "corruption."
Don't be tempted by the prospect of a sale to cut corners. Whatever benefit you perceive just ain't worth the risk if it turns out you're being set up. And be prepared to summarily fire any employee who jeopardizes your business.
I can't believe it's me endorsing anyone to obey "gun laws," but there it is--we need to live with the reality, not in my fantasy "maybe someday" world of going down to the local hardware store and picking up an MP5.
Because We All Know You'll Be Safer When You're Defenseless
Mayors from across the state joined Gov. Ed Rendell at a rally Tuesday urging lawmakers to enact tougher gun-control laws.Besides, as we can see from the previous post, they've got everything under control.
Urban constituencies--is there anything they don't know?
The Authorities Will Protect Us
The United States is just as vulnerable to attack as it was on 9-11, particularly now that street gangs are draining resources from law enforcement agencies working to head off future attacks, a panel of terrorism experts said Monday.Threats from without, threats from within. According to "the professionals' " own assessment, "WE ARE NOT SAFE."
Speaking at a forum at UCLA, officials said the war on terrorism has been replaced by the war on gangs - a huge concern in Los Angeles, which has an estimated 40,000 gang members and is an attractive target for terrorists.
Sword Medical
"We are not safe, and we will not be safe for many years," Los Angeles Police Department Deputy Chief Mark Leap said at the forum sponsored by the university's School of Public Affairs.
The solution?
Enforce citizen disarmament. Prohibit people from keeping and bearing arms, and prosecute them if they do in spite of your edicts.
If the terrorists do manage to stage a large scale attack on LA, who thinks responder resources will be available to protect their neighborhoods? And as for the 40,000 gang members that those imposing the general disarmament are so concerned about creating sanctuary for, at what other time and place in history would such a force be considered anything other than an occupying army? And if terrorist hell breaks loose, does anyone think they'll be sitting idly by while the only force even marginally containing them is occupied elsewhere?
We're the Only Ones Implementing Segregation Enough
Currently the public is free to come and go at the Statehouse through 13 different doors. Beginning Jun. 4 entry will come through one of just two doors: the second floor door on the east side of the building or the first floor door on the west side.I wonder if we'll also have separate restrooms and water fountains?
But while the building may be free from weapons carried by members of the public, some of the people who work in the building will still be armed.
"The rule allows for members of the judiciary because I believe there is a separate statute authorizing them to carry a firearm. Legislators are exempt, too, pursuant to the rule," said Brian Renner, Indiana Department of Administration.
Just like the old days! Besides, "The Only Ones' " lives are so much more valuable than yours and mine.
[Via Mike H]
Truth Laid Bare
Per Blogger links:

Per Truth Laid Bear:

I've had problems with this utility before, to the point where I've removed their code from my template and just said the hell with it. I realize this site--along with most gun blogs-- is no great shakes when it comes to site traffic and linkage compared to, say, anything having to do with Paris or Britney, but dammit, the numbers presented as representative of what we do earn shouldn't be this off. Yeah, I know, mountain out of a molehill, but when you earn very little, every little bit counts. Besides, they promise it's the "truth."

Per Truth Laid Bear:

I've had problems with this utility before, to the point where I've removed their code from my template and just said the hell with it. I realize this site--along with most gun blogs-- is no great shakes when it comes to site traffic and linkage compared to, say, anything having to do with Paris or Britney, but dammit, the numbers presented as representative of what we do earn shouldn't be this off. Yeah, I know, mountain out of a molehill, but when you earn very little, every little bit counts. Besides, they promise it's the "truth."
Jesse Jackson Endorses Slavery
Metropolitan areas -- where most people live -- have no use for gun peddlers, for people packing concealed weapons, for kids fighting gang wars with assault weapons. If given their choice, most citizens in cities and suburbs would simply ban handguns, ban assault weapons and ban gun shops and gun dealers. Hunters could buy their guns in the rural areas where they hunt.Yeah, I'm sure fathers in "the community" not being there for their offspring have nothing to do with any of this, right, "Reverend"? And I'm sure all your supporters have their own bodyguards?
[Via HZ]
This Day in History: May 23
It is after midnight on May 23, 1777. The British Redcoats are dug in on the high ground of Sag Harbor. A single shot is heard, coming from the direction of armed vessels in the harbor. The uneasy village residents wake up and listen for a second shot.
At James Howell's Inn on Main Street, commandeered by British officers, Lieutenant Colonel Return Jonathan Meigs and his rebel raiders from Connecticut have just pulled the British commander from his bed and taken him prisoner.
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