It's always darkest before:
A. the dawn.
B. the end. [More]
Good piece.
Plus, now I know to check out Bosch. That and buy some Cheerios.
Monday, December 28, 2015
Gutting Gary
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Who cares if he's mediocre, as long as he's anti-gun? |
But imagine if there regularly were shootings in previously “safe” white areas. [More]So what kind of racist "magic" would be needed to make that happen?
I sometimes think you need to be an utter moron to achieve success in academia-- at least in anything that's not hard science or math.
No wonder the hive insects are diddling themselves over this.
‘Operation Big Sky’ Protecting Miners Makes Paper’s Top Stories for 2015
In the case of the White Hope Mine, the ‘technicality” appears to be Komec is accused of missing a filing deadline—even though required paperwork was notarized and filed on time. The Post Office didn’t postmark it until the next day, and for that, the full force and unlimited resources of the feds are being brought down on men who put years of their lives into working a claim that was now being “officially” stolen. [More]Another prime example of how Opposite Day "progressives" want us to believe "secure the Blessings of Liberty" is supposed to work...
Subversive New ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban More for Show than Effect
The primary “author” of this latest bit of subversion is Rhode Island Red David Cicilline. It’s no surprise that he’s a career politician, or that he’s long partnered with Michael Bloomberg. What also doesn’t come as any great shock is that his old man was a mouthpiece for the mob and his “prohibited person” brother was convicted in a sting that included charges of lying to federal authorities and setting up a drug deal. [More]Bring it, you mob money-raised punk.
We're the Only Ones Quick on the Draw Enough
A Des Moines police officer accidentally fired his gun inside an office at the Des Moines International Airport while he was practicing his "quick draw." [More]If that can happen to a highly trained professional, doesn't it just make sense to disarm you and me?
Thank goodness "discipline is always a possibility"!
I guess the possibility of prosecution only applies to us untrustworthy types.
[Via Harvey]
San Bernardino Blowout Prices!
Alert WW reader Doug Menely spotted the ad in his home edition of the newspaper. [More]Oh my God, how dare any insensitive retailer let customers know about its products!!!
Can you imagine being Doug Menely?
Or feigning shock -- shock -- that any newspaper would accept firearms advertising?
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones All Relative Enough
Metro Police officer mistakes relative for intruder, shoots and injures her [More]I can't tell you how many times I've done that. Thank goodness no charges are expected to be filed!
[Via Kevin Starrett]
That'll Be the Day
“I have a budget amendment that I’m looking at to take away his executive protection unit. If he’s so afraid of guns, then I’m not going to surround him with armed state policemen.” [More]I'd love to see it, but it's not gonna happen, meaning this is basically political pandering, instead of doing something meaningful.
Karma's a Beyotch
Black Lives Matter Thug Who Tweeted “Kill Whites” Shot Dead At Northlake Mall [More]Gosh. What a loss to humanity.
[Via Florida Guy]
Sure are a lot of white people in those photos... [More]
It's almost like they're exploiting useful idiots...
Two pictures that stood out: Sheep allowing their bags to be searched and the guy with the blond beard who looks like he's taking a dump in his pants.
Still, it wasn't entirely a white post-Christmas: others report up to two kiloteens...
I'm still trying to grok how retailers are responsible for police shootings. Guess I'm just not "progressive" enough...
It's almost like they're exploiting useful idiots...
Two pictures that stood out: Sheep allowing their bags to be searched and the guy with the blond beard who looks like he's taking a dump in his pants.
Still, it wasn't entirely a white post-Christmas: others report up to two kiloteens...
I'm still trying to grok how retailers are responsible for police shootings. Guess I'm just not "progressive" enough...
No One's Talking About Taking Away Your Guns
This'll go nowhere -- for now -- but it is useful seeing more end game confirmation from these traitors.
We're the Only Ones Laundering Enough
“They were just laundering money for the sake of laundering money.” [More]I wouldn't be so sure about that, and that nobody was cleaning up...
[Via William T]
A Bible-Fearing Person
"You can fight by everyone throwing a Bible at them," Schweit said, "and I mean that in a very respectful way because I am a Bible-fearing person." [More]You mean "assault Bibles" with no legitimate Lording purpose? I can't exactly say I'd want one of those thrown at my face either, but becoming a bibliophobe over the prospect seems a bit extreme, especially for the one with the gun. Curious, that Katherine Schweit, chief of the active-shooter section in the FBI's Office of Partner Engagement, doesn't recommend the HRT deploy and engage with tactical manuals.
That's because she's basically a career bureaucrat with a journalism and a law degree, meaning she's a shill who's paid to mouth the party line. And working for the government, she doesn't need to worry about malpractice lawsuits for incompetent advice.
If there's one positive takeaway, it's the understanding that lots of physical objects can be used as weapons if you're of that mindset. But that's no reason to limit yourself to inferior ones that happen to be lying around.
House Rules
The lawyers argued that simple notification to Lembo that he could face an eviction if he did not follow house rules was insufficient to trigger the protection under the Second Amendment, the paper reported. [More]From the same type of people who wouldn't dream of infringing on other issues of personal choice.
Boy, they drive that "home rule" thing down to the fine print, don't they? The object, of course, is just "rule."
"Our Fellow Christians"
Michelle and I are also ever-mindful that many of our fellow Christians... [More]Obama is proclaiming he and Michelle are Christians. Are they, or is that just exploiting the faith of believers for political gain?
Obama has claimed his relationship with Jesus Christ is personal, and that he accepts him as his lord and savior.
If someone goes out of his way to tell you he is a Christian, the following "Yes" or "No" question does not seem out of line:
Is belief in Jesus Christ as your lord and savior necessary for salvation?
The same question should be asked of Hillary.
But it won't be, at least by anyone with reach -- certainly not by anyone in the media or, significantly, by any GOP candidate.
This isn't an attempt on my part to evangelize, nor to explore Barry's Muslim connections. It's just an observation that if the answer to that question is "No," they're lying.
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