The only way "never again" works is if you mean it. [More]The passing of a man of great purpose and deeds has warranted a second Gun Rights Examiner column today to note it and to honor his memory.
Notes from the Resistance...
The only way "never again" works is if you mean it. [More]The passing of a man of great purpose and deeds has warranted a second Gun Rights Examiner column today to note it and to honor his memory.
A rash of 30 armed robberies on the west side of Warren has business owners worried and the police scratching their heads. ...This week, the robbers hit a bar and demanded the people inside to get on the floor and give them all of their money and jewelry. [More]No puzzlement is warranted. Everybody sees the problem here, don't you? That's right, it wasn't a cop bar. Only an "Only One" would be scratching their head over that.
Perez said she knows nothing about guns... [More]I believe her.
Naturally, the hand-wringing hoplophobes, who preach ignorance and avoidance rather than education and training, have nothing to say. If they weigh in at all, we'll probably get a grudging "They were lucky." And then the focus of the critique will be on using Fox News as a source. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column challenges "conventional wisdom" about kids and guns.
The inclosed recommendation in favor of Capt. Charles Porterfield, at present attached to the 11th Virginia Regiment, was handed to me by the Gentlemen who subscribe it, with a desire that I would and request your interest for the Commission of Lieutenant Colonel or Major of the New Regiment of Artillery if the places are not already disposed of. I cannot undertake to recommend Capt. Porterfield upon my own particular knowledge, but he is universally esteemed by his acquaintances in the Army, as an Officer of very extraordinary Merit. He also, I am informed, has made the Military Branches of the Mathematics his particular Study. This Gentleman entered very early into the Service of his Country, he accompanied Genl. Arnold in his expedition to Quebec, at the Storm of which under General Montgomery, he was made prisoner.
[Note:Porterfield became brigade major to Woodford's brigade in July, 1778; resigned in July, 1779, to become lieutenant colonel of a Virginia State regiment; mortally wounded at Camden, S. C, in August, 1780; died in October of that year.] [More]