I'll be on this show tonight at 7:30 central time:
Host is Ken Dunbar, out of Arkansas. Show is called "The Liberty Pole"
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Oath Keeper on Radio
From Stewart Rhodes:
"Authorized Journalists" at it Again
...Publishing CHP holder lists, that is. [More]
Unless area gun owners make Chatham Star-Tribune advertisers part of the solution, these arrogant subversives will continue with their attacks.
Who are their big car dealer advertisers crying for sales in today's economy? Ask 'em how they'd like a few dozen chanting pickets on the sidewalk by their lot over the next several weekends unless they stop giving aid and comfort to the enemy...
Unless area gun owners make Chatham Star-Tribune advertisers part of the solution, these arrogant subversives will continue with their attacks.
Who are their big car dealer advertisers crying for sales in today's economy? Ask 'em how they'd like a few dozen chanting pickets on the sidewalk by their lot over the next several weekends unless they stop giving aid and comfort to the enemy...
What Exactly is 'Contrived' About Ammunition Shortage?

Many Internet-active gun owners have no doubt seen the Rense.com report "Contrived US Ammunition Shortage."I couldn't pass on an Internet report without first checking with the subject of the rumors it was spreading. It turns out they are unfounded. Remington is not cutting back on ammo production and they are not hoarding it.
...I just got off the phone with [Remington CEO Tommy Millner] and I'll share with you the Cliffs Notes version of our conversation...[More]
The story is important enough to warrant reaching as wide an audience as I can muster, so I posted another Gun Rights Examiner column today.
Barrett REC7 Demonstrates Supply and Demand
From Oliver B:
It all depends on how you look at it, whether you consider this good news or bad news. If you can afford one, it's OK to be disappointed. If you can't, rejoice that some of your countrymen understand the nature of what we face and are making wise investments.
I also don't mind seeing Barrett Rifles profit one bit--especially after their top guy showed us all that principles in business matter.
I verified this with the Barrett rep before passing it on.Response to my inquiry regarding availability:
"We have backordered the REC7 through the end of our production year of December 2009 and are not taking orders at this time. You may try back in 6 months or so to see if we have started taking more orders then. Thank you for your interest in Barrett Firearms."
It all depends on how you look at it, whether you consider this good news or bad news. If you can afford one, it's OK to be disappointed. If you can't, rejoice that some of your countrymen understand the nature of what we face and are making wise investments.
I also don't mind seeing Barrett Rifles profit one bit--especially after their top guy showed us all that principles in business matter.
We're the Only Ones Resisting and Obstructing Enough
He was booked for obstructing justice and resisting arrest in an altercation with Spokane Police last month, but now prosecutors say Spokane County Sheriff's Sergeant Pete Bunch won't face any criminal charges. [More]Really?
That wouldn't have anything to do with his "Only One" status, would it? Is the homeowner right in considering this a "double standard"?
Funny--I don't see anything about him being fired, either. Guess he's still out there better than you 'n me...
[Via Smiley Starfish]
Verdammt Amerikanischen Waffe Zeigt
Assuming Google Translator got it right...
I mean...what other reason could there be? [More]
[Via Russ S]
I mean...what other reason could there be? [More]
[Via Russ S]
GOA Emergency Alert on Land Bill
Gun Owners of America does not sound the "Emergency alarm" often -- and when we do, we mean it.Go. Read. Act.
Remember the massive land bill, S. 22, that passed out of the Senate last month?
It was expected to pass quickly in the House, but your opposition to an expansion of gun control contained in the bill forced it to be pulled from the floor.
GOA has just learned that after some backroom deals, the bill is headed to the floor WEDNESDAY MORNING, without any amendments to truly protect your Second Amendment rights on National Park Service (NPS) land. [More]
Will Alabama Shooter Bring 'Assault Weapon' Ban to Front Burner?

Gun owners are right to wonder if this is the event that will be the catalyst for making a new 'assault weapon' ban a priority. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column asks if this will be the triggering event.
Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.
Please read and share.
UPDATE: Bloomberg News is reporting the killer "fired about 30 rounds from an automatic weapon..." Informed gun owners will understand the significance of this. Did the reporter get it right, or is this more intentional or uninformed misreporting?
This Day in History: March 11
Supposing there was a real necessity of your retreating from New Rochelle, you certainly ought to have returned immediately upon the Enemy's dropping their design, if they ever had any, of attacking you; All accounts from your Quarters complain loudly of this retreat, as a most injudicious Step, as it gave fresh Spirits to the disaffected and retarded the removal of Forage by the Convention of New York, the very end that your Troops were principally intended to answer. [More]
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