Wednesday, August 08, 2007
"Now That's a Recordkeeping Error!"
And they're shutting down private dealers for accepting "Y" and "N" on their stupid form instead of "Yes" and "No"?
High Country Bias
I wrote back:
I have several problems with the article in question, and was going to link to it when I had time to compose my thoughts, but I'm afraid my commentary will include my objections, including its heavy reliance on Joan Burbick.
I don't have time to do a fisking, but if you read the HCT piece, you'll have no problem seeing what I mean.
The BATFU Time Machine

Here's the time line of events leading to Area Supervisor Linda Young throwing in the (wet?) towel:
8:30am- The ATF Inspectors and Supervisor arrive.
8:37am- The first blog is written.
11:15am- The ATF calls off the audit without warning or letting Ryan know what was going on.
3:08pm- After waiting several hours Ryan writes a recap.
7:59pm- Anonymous post appears on Red's blog--after everyone had gone home and shut down the store.
So here is essentially what this was about: A citizen came in and took pictures, so they fled in fury because they couldn't legally stop him. They even admit as much in their complaint.
All this business about the car and the hotel and the hostile comment are just smoke and mirrors--designed to persuade the judge that a threatening situation existed. If it had, why is there no record of a call to the local police? After all, interference with their "lawful duties" is a "crime". In order for any of these factors to have affected their decision to terminate the audit, they would literally have had to been able to travel back in time. Yet they present them to the judge as if they were all elements that led to that decision.
In other words, they are manipulating and lying. Surprise, surprise.
Let's hope Judge Lodge doesn't fall for it. Let's hope he sees this transparent attempt to deceive his court for what it is--and then takes appropriate action against them. That is, unless they can demonstrate an ability to navigate through the Fourth Dimension...
Getting Clinical Over Guns
Western Rifle Shooters Association is holding an Intermediate Rifle Clinic in Douglas, WY, on 8/25-26. From the looks of their agenda, this promises to be a very through, informative and fun two days.
It sounds like the last one was very much appreciated by those who attended.
Take the Red's ATF Poll
"What do you think should happen to the ATF?"
I didn't see the option I wanted, so I settled for "Abolish."
Go take the Red's poll and spread the link. He ought to have a thousand times the numbers that are showing so far. No wonder BATFU thinks it can get away with anything.
[More about Red's Trading Post from WarOnGuns]
This Day in History: August 8
The British outpost of Detroit supplied and encouraged these natives to attack colonists in Kentucky. This painting shows the retaliation.