Thursday, October 15, 2009
Jeff Durbin's Answers to Gun Rights Questionnaire Show He 'Gets It'

I think he did quite well, and especially appreciate the seriousness with which he regards his never expiring oath of fidelity to the Constitution. [More]Gun Owners of Nevada got another candidate in the 2010 Senate race to answer the questions.
The Morally Disabled on Property Rights
Officials with the Second Amendment Foundation have said the rule is illegal and planned to sue the city once the law went into effect. But Nickels doesn't believe the city is acting beyond its power, saying he is asserting the same rights private property owners have. [More]What do they say? Possession is nine-tenths of the law?
Why would we expect a career kleptocrat to recognize the distinction between property and plunder?
Or recognize rights?
There's just no reasoning with moral retards.
[Via Bruce W. Krafft]
We're the Only Ones Turning Things Upside Down Enough
Boynton beach's Risk Management office says they are investigating this case to see if the city is financially responsible for the damage. The city will contact the homeowner in a couple of days. [More]Meanwhile, all the "Only Ones" responsible will go home at night and sleep in nice, untrashed dwellings, so I guess there's no hurry.
Hell, they were probably acting within protocol anyway...
[Via William T]
We're the Only Ones Getting to the Heart of the Matter Enough
San Mateo police detective tripped, accidentally shot man in heart [More]By virtue of his magic "Only One" status, this idiot is deemed more fit to carry a gun than you or I. And not just any gun, but a submachine gun! You know, a weapon of war designed only to kill as many people as quickly as possible.
And naturally, he:
...will not face criminal charges...Why, you might ask? Because:
The actions of the San Mateo Police Department were in accord with the operational plan and the actions of Detective Rodenspiel were consistent with the training he received in SWAT operations.See? Like magic! And it doesn't even matter if we know how the trick was done.
[Via William T]
Appleseed Gets Good Press
People fear what they don't understand, especially dangerous things for which the benefits outweigh the dangers. [More]So naturally, some dumbass comment troll accuses supporters of "too many six-pack fueled 'Red Dawn' marathons."
[Via Michael G]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...
One of the more satisfying videos I've seen. [More]
Beware if foul language offends you, as some of the comments are pretty raw.
What a punk the aggressor is--and the way he leaves himself wide open--only someone seemingly assured that people will be cowed into surrendering to his kind would do that. Gee, I wonder what gave him that idea?
And what a skulking coward he turned out to be in the end.
The defender will be lucky if they don't prosecute him. Here's hoping in the mean time, the POS doesn't ambush him with a weapon. One of the comments says he is now trying to sue for humiliation. Talk about someone who deserves to be humiliated.
[Via Jeet]
Beware if foul language offends you, as some of the comments are pretty raw.
What a punk the aggressor is--and the way he leaves himself wide open--only someone seemingly assured that people will be cowed into surrendering to his kind would do that. Gee, I wonder what gave him that idea?
And what a skulking coward he turned out to be in the end.
The defender will be lucky if they don't prosecute him. Here's hoping in the mean time, the POS doesn't ambush him with a weapon. One of the comments says he is now trying to sue for humiliation. Talk about someone who deserves to be humiliated.
[Via Jeet]
We're the Only Ones "It's a Family Affair" Enough
A former Lockney police officer is now in Brownfield Jail Wednesday night after pleading guilty to a sex crime. The Floyd County jury gave 23-year-old Brandon Welty seven years in prison for sexually assaulting a 16-year old family member from New York. [More]The "Only Ones" keeping it all in the family enough...Hey, if she ain't good enough for her kinfolk...
On the plus side, think how much money he saved not having to take her out on dates.
[Via Tommy S]
As if Permission Matters
Should these men have been allowed to carry a gun? [More]Actually, I'm more concerned with these men.
Besides, by their own admission:
No one has illusions that permit denials will keep guns out of the hands of criminals.And a question for the NRA spokesman: Does your definition of criminality deserving a zero tolerance legal response include, say, people who carry to protect themselves because they don't have the connections to wrangle "may issue" permits? Or people who live in "no issue" locales? And how about people who refuse to register their guns?
[Via The Bitter Clinger]
Globalists Use Mexican Crime—and a Lie—as Excuse to Ban U.S. Guns

Well, there you have it—they trip right out of the starting gate. No "high-powered automatic weapons" were involved in the Clinton gun ban. That people think they were is a calculated lie used to deceive them into supporting a ban on semiautomatic firearms.Today's Gun Rights Examiner column explores the motives of those who would use lies to disarm us.
Gee, globalists spreading lies to enact gun bans. And the "Authorized Journalist" establishment media is acting as their press agent.
Imagine that. [More]
Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.
I do hope columns like today's demonstrate yet once more why we can't rely on the establishment media to propagate the truth. That's one of the reasons I continually end these column announcements with the request "Tell a friend?"
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