No "incompetence" issue. The issue is honesty and "transparency", which I believe is the term Brown is promising to bring to the Sheriff's Department.
The "story" is that Brown has gotten the NRA PAC endorsement and I've personally held that bright orange mailer touting Brown's 'A' rating (meaning pro-gun stance). Brown either embraces the endorsement or runs from it, which is it?
We all know what a political powerhouse that NRA is; AND THEY DO NOT GIVE ENDORSEMENTS TO ANTI-GUN POLITICIANS.
Brown had to seek out the NRA endorsement to get it and now you and his other supporters are running from it and hiding it from the majority of voters. When is it going to be on his website? Or is it?
See reader comments at The Santa Barbara Independent, particularly the exchange between anti-gunner Dian Davis and Brown apologist Misleading Anderson supporters watch, who tries to dismiss things as "hearsay".
That's really something, when the gungrabber is the one telling the truth.
In other developments, someone at NRAHQ has been doing research on my name:

Guys, it's OK. You can come out and approach me directly. I won't bite. All I want to do is ask you a question--and, of course, get a straight answer--for the record.
The question has also been posed over at Calguns Forums. There's no answer, but there is an excuse.
Here's the thing. In the grand scheme of things, I really couldn't give a rat's behind about who Santa Barbarans elect as sheriff. This is bigger. This is about the integrity of NRA ratings--their trustworthiness as a whole. If this is the practice in one locale, how can ratings in others be trusted? If we're being asked to expend financial and political resources on a candidate, we deserve to know the truth. And it's not like the question hasn't come up before. Again and again.
This is a build-up to something I'm working on now, something bigger than a local election. More to follow in the next few days...
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NRA's "A-Rated" Citizen Disarmament Enforcer
What Can Brown Do to You? (The Silence is Deafening)