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Tuesday, April 07, 2020
We'll Decide What's Constitutional, 'Citizen'...
Why It’s Unconstitutional To Keep Grocery Stores Open While Closing Churches - It’s a dangerous precedent that government could consider itself the arbiter of private essential services. [More]Yeah, but we saw what happened to the last church that defied them...
[Via Mack H]
Add This to the List
Domestic Violence Is Another Real Human Cost Of Stay-At-Home Orders [More]Yeah, but what are we gonna do? Ban Democrat constituency households?
[Via Mack H]
The Differences are Clear
The Korean government brought in no lockdowns but has done aggressive testing and pursued a strategy of high transparency [More]What's wrong with this picture...?
I will say this in re the difference in handling foreign nationals-- we get a lot more and from a lot more places, and most "illegals" are shot before they get there.
[Via Mack H]
The Tipping Point
How Much Liberty Must We Give Up? [More]You'll know when people start shooting back.
This oughta do it.
[Via Mack H]
You Never Want to Let a Crisis Go to Waste
We write to ask that you immediately waive the restrictions on research with human fetal tissue, which are preventing federally-funded scientists from advancing important studies that could potentially prevent, treat, or cure the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). [More]From the party that says trying Hydroxychloroquine is a human rights violation...
Free Advice Worth Every Penny
He suggested first-time gun owners secure unloaded firearms. “Hide it behind the cans of tuna and beef jerky that you’ve stored in the cabinet,” he said. [More]I knew he was a liar, but have to confess I'm surprised to find he's this much of a moron.
Anybody hear anything in there about training? These people presume to be about "gun safety" and he's their resident "expert"?
Ilya from Michigan
I’m still in a bit of disbelief that there is a dangerous weapon in my house: one that more frequently contributes to accidental deaths, violent homicides, and suicides, rather than the romanticized personal protection experiences. [More]That's not true at all. That whole lie hinges on the antis noting most DGUs don't end up with a lawful gun owner blowing away the perp. We don't have to and our overwhelming responses show what bloodthirsty liars the gun-grabbers are, especially when they portray us as the violent ones who can't be trusted.
I live a pretty privileged existence. My family lives in one of the most affluent communities in Michigan. Everyone in the neighborhood leaves their doors open with bikes on the front lawn. Rarely do we worry about anything being stolen, let alone violent crime.I'll bet Sharon Tate probably thought she lived in a pretty safe neighborhood, too.
The only question for Ilya: You gonna change your voting patterns?
I'm not so sure.
How about 'Ban Tyranny'?
12 Ways To Save Millions Of Vulnerable American Lives By Banning More Things [More]And if we take our lead from guns, all it's got be able to save is one, right?
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Disrespected Enough
Crackdowns on Lone Surfers and Paddleboarders Threaten to Erode Respect for Law Enforcement Even Further [More]So, Jack, if I introduced myself to you and then let you know I was carrying concealed without a permit because I consider it to be my right, would you confiscate my gun and arrest me?
If your answer is "yes," you don't need those other guys to erode my respect.
[Via Michael G]
Prejudiced against Reds?
Student newspaper characterizes criticism of Chinese Communist Party as 'racist' [More]I'd love to see them express their opinions over there, but I'm not sure that wouldn't be encouraged as useful.
The wife and I watched The Spy Who Came in from the Cold yesterday -- she'd never seen it and it had been decades since I had (and I was a teenager when I read the novel). Without trying to give away too much of a spoiler for those of you who haven't, the fate of Claire Bloom's naive, communist-supporting Brit character struck me as fitting and as something that happens as a matter of course when idiots are no longer useful.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Approving Enough
Chamblee’s police conduct policies state that officers may not leave guns in unattended, parked vehicles. Records show the chief reviewed the policy on take-home vehicles and signed off on it March 24, just two days before the break-ins. [More]Thank goodness none of the firearms were "patrol rifles," which would have created a dilemma for the Authorized Journalists on what to call them.
[Via David G]
Authorized Black Separatists?
A new African‐American Child Well‐Being Department would be staffed by full‐time state employees who “shall be of African‐American heritage.” [More]So it won't be based on "the content of their character"? You can roll over now, Dr. King.
If the state does this, it's fair to wonder: What other mandates will be needed for employees who serve the needs of the LGBTQ adoptive community?
Intuitively, I'm not against considering race and culture-based placement preferences if qualified parents can be found. I've seen a real-world example where heritage proved important as the child got older, which thankfully, was encouraged by the loving parents throughout his growing up.
But if you start doing it the mandatory way, how will Madonna and Angelina Jolie be able to show off their superior virtue?
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Neighborly Enough
Kansas City Police Officer Accidentally Shoots Neighbor [More]Naturally, they're not releasing his identity. It's not like the neighbor negligently shot him, in which case that "administrative leave" would be behind bars, at least until after the arraignment and bail being set.
[Via Steve T]
Exposing the Fascists
Force is all they recognize. [More]Which is why they'll never cede power for any real change unless a credible "or else" is attached...
We'll Tell You What Rights You Have and You'll Like It
District Court OK's Closing Gun Shops as "Non-Essential" [More]An Obama nominee...
If any local gun stores recognize the judge as a customer, speak up.
[Via Michael G]
WHO's Their Daddy?
WHO Admitted That Taiwan Warned Them And They Blew Them Off So As Not To Offend China [More]For this "we" pay $55B?
[Via Michael G]
Unsettled Science
Peter Navarro Explodes At Fauci In Heated Showdown Over Hydroxychloroquine [More]If it does end up working for most, watch the political and media emphasis focus on the failures.
One thing's for sure-- let the economy go belly up and we ain't seen nothin' yet in terms of the dead.
[Via Carlos Perdue]
Proper Roles
“The people themselves are primarily responsible for their safety." [More]Bingo!
I'm doing nothing differently because the government tells me I have to, or else. The precautions I am taking are based on the best information I can find, with the understanding that much of it is in conflict, it changes as more is learned, and my own limitations on what I know vs. what makes intuitive sense mean all I can ultimately do is the best I can.
But that's the way I try to live my life with everything. Don't you?
[Via Carlos Perdue]
UPDATE: More "holdout governors"...
[Via Mack H]
Where There's a Will There's a Way
[T]he border with Mexico is effectively closed to illegal aliens. Border agents are deporting them immediately, and even better, the borders in Mexico and the Northern Triangle are locked down. Granted, “migrants” are held up in Mexico and we must suffer a farrago of sob stories. Yet SARS-CoV-2 proves that we can control our borders—if we want to. [More]The same could be said about creating self-deportation conditions for most, and for making sure that "rigorous" as it applies to "legals" has as its first condition compliance with the Constitutional mandate that government actions "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity."
Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue." If it did, you'd think one of the "Saviors" would have stepped up to champion their indefensible position by now.
A Right Delayed
"There is no constitutional right to immediately buy or sell guns.." [More]Yes, there is, you f***ing liar.
Meanwhile, Over in the Undeveloped World
Man shot five people for 'talking too loud' during coronavirus lockdown, investigators say [More]The Russkis, eh?
Let's see-- they have nuclear missiles and a space program and we're told they're sophisticated enough to throw our elections. Good thing the gun-grabbers conveniently don't consider them "developed," otherwise they'd have some 'splainin' to do about why being "categorised as restrictive" fails so miserably.
Speaking of Ridiculous...
I made a Jockstrap Mask Tutorial... [Watch]Is it unfair of me to wonder if it's his and if he washed it first?
Ridicule of Guns During Covid-19 Pandemic Predictably Ignorant
The lack of originality doesn’t stop there. Petri is hardly the first self-appointed “wit” to parrot the “progressive” narrative meme that the reason ignorant rustics want guns during this time of extreme social upheaval is to open fire on the pathogen itself. [More]I'm wondering if there is anything more painfully dumb and less funny than "progressive" know-nothings attempting to be witty on guns.
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