Friday, August 18, 2017
A Game of Inches
Jeez, BloombergPolitics, how much closer does it need to inch? [More]
And just so we're clear on who supports these totalitarians...
ABA’s Fake Piety Overrides Due Process in ‘Hate Crime’ Gun Ban Resolution
We’ve already seen from recent events that those the lying cultural Marxists smear as “Nazis and fascists” are blocked from speaking under the outrageous and tyrannical insistence that “Hate speech is not free speech.” So much for respecting the right of free speech. And now, unsurprisingly, so much for respecting the right to keep and bear arms. If that’s the case, if America is to be a land of rights for the politically favored, why not go all out? Do “Nazis” and “fascists” really deserve search and seizure protections, or protections against self-incrimination, or jury trials, or immunity from cruel and unusual punishment? [More]So much for stated ABA “principles.” You can’t tell it by their actions.
T.L. Davis Interview
"Lies of Omission" gets some good airtime on KUBC AM580. [Listen]
And looky here-- a scumbag thief is already trying to pirate it -- either that or trying to lure victims offsite to a foreign malware site.
We're the Only Ones Burdened Enough
Time burden in reviewing police body camera videos may force Chesterfield prosecutor's office to 'radically curtail' its handling of some cases [More]Time to spook the herd for more "resources."
[Via Mack H]
Headlined Most Prominently
For America’s militias, headlined most prominently by the Oath Keepers and Three Percenters... [More]It's clear by now the media mischaracterization of Oath Keepers is intentional.
As for the Three Percenters, for most it would better be described as misappropriation. I note how few of the sites profiting from the name even acknowledge Vanderboegh. And some that even celebrate his death.
[Via Mack H]
No Weapons of Mass Destruction
The Arizona Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a Tucson ordinance that requires the destruction of guns seized by the city's police department conflicts with a state law requiring the weapons to be sold. [More]Looks like the gun-grabbers will have to melt down all by their own selves.
[Via Bluesgal]
Total Recall
From George Gramlich of the Sangre de Cristo Sentinel, via email:
The people have spoken. In just 4 weeks a non-partisan crew of citizens have gathered enough signatures to put the ENTIRE Custer County Board of Commissioners up for RECALL this November. An astonishing effort. The three RINO's lied to the public to get elected and are trying to implement a left wing agenda in a predominantly conservative Christian county. The people have revolted. Next step will be the actual recall vote in November. This should be happening all over American but it isn't. Time to get more people motivated and involved at the grass roots level.See the story here.
He's Just Looking for Another Cheap Shot
Robberson: Still awaiting for the NRA to denounce white supremacists [More]What, you mean like the kind fended off by another group he has refused to tell his readers about?
What do you call a white "progressive" who opposes Constitutional carry for blacks? And persecuted a "woman of color" for understanding that slaves aren't allowed to own guns?
"Conflict of interest."
[Via bondmen]
In the Next World, You're on Your Own
ACLU Will No Longer Defend Hate Groups Protesting With Firearms [More]You know, hate groups.
[Via Bluesgal]
The End Game
Black Lives Matter Activists Float Criminalization of Confederate Imagery [More]You can laugh, but what's being demanded is nothing less than total compliance -- or else. Meaning they'd better not "win."
What's being demanded is worship.
My Man Mitthead
Peace in our time, right, Neville? [More]
Only a handful are racists, and we have no idea how heavily infiltrated by narrative-forming provocateurs they are. That's a distraction from the real threat which he is helping fuel.
Some of us had this fraud pegged all along.
Workers of the World?
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According to ABC11, Thompson is a “member of the far-left Workers World Party.” [More]So: Where's she been a worker at and for how long?
It's a fair question for all members of the Workers World Party, just to make sure the failure really is on the part of capitalism. Because I looked up the others who have been arrested so far, and another common unifying thread is what personal misfits and losers they are, particularly the guys in their 30s. No wonder they hate reality so.
Unsurprisingly, ABC11 is a little light on details about the WWP.
That Ramsey Clarke was Attorney General speaks volumes about "spirtual wickedness in high places" that has been ever present, but is stronger than ever in this country. The "progressive"solution, of course, is to condemn anyone who speaks against that as "anti-government" and an "insurrectionist."
Who are the rebels, again?
Making America Red
To keep alive the perception of white superiority, these white Americans tuck their heads under cone-shaped hats and American flags and deny themselves the dignity of face-to-face confrontation, training their guns on the unarmed, the innocent, the scared, on subjects who are running away, exposing their unthreatening backs to bullets. [More]Whatever you say, Toni.
How many white nationalists were responsible for the nine dead and 30 wounded in Chi-Town this past weekend again?
Yeah, I know, all of us fascist Nazis, because we're motivated by racism and keeping the brothers down, right? I'd imagine the white-privileged "progressive" readership inside her bubble would agree with that.
I know Shannon says she does.
The Question of Our Time
In this Second American Civil War, whose side are you on? [More]Looks like everything's getting pushed toward that "Molon Labe" time so many do-nothing-else anonymous comment posters have been itching for...
It Boggles the Mind
'I would bet that we are going to get information that will be mind-boggling' [More]So offer him a deal contingent on producing the goods.
Or did Sessions recuse himself from that, too?
An Inconvenient Truth-Teller
“Because?” Coleman asked.Because, you know...
“Well, you know,” came the reply.
Said Coleman: “That happens all the time.” [More]
Besides, Eric Idle, Bill Nye the Science Guy and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. want globalist enforcers with guns to put a lid on that kind of talk.
The Enemy Within
Ana Navarro, a Republican and frequent critic of Trump on cable news outlets, beseeched him on Twitter to "hurry the hell up!" and get to the bottom of any connections between the Trump campaign and Russians. [More]And she's quite the "Republican."
Her family fled Nicaragua and she tried to give power to a wannabe tyrant like Hillary Clinton and condemn the rest of us to all that would mean. Figures she's so on board with Jeb Bush and John McCain and those bastions of Constitutional conservatism, ABC and CNN.
What a tool. And NPR just used her.
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