Friday, February 20, 2009
Knocking Off for Now
I'm sorry if I couldn't get to your tip or email you my thanks for taking time to send me links. Please accept them here. Thanks for understanding.
Like a Bad Neighbor, Dunkin is There
State Rep. Kenneth Dunkin sponsors legislation for mandatory $1,000,000 insurance policy for gun owners... [More]It's been done.
[Via The Bitter Clinger]
When Organized and Unorganized Militias Collide
The Carroll National Guard unit will train on urban military operations by holding a four-day exercise at Arcadia.Why?
The purpose of the April 2-5 drill will be to gather intelligence, then search for and apprehend a suspected weapons dealer, according to Sgt. Mike Kots, readiness NCO for Alpha Company. [More]
What are they training for in terms of real life?
Since when is firearms law enforcement the province of our military? And they even are calling in a Blackhawk?
What the hell is going on here?
[Via Western Rifle Shooters]
Son of Only One
The son of the city detective charged in the Collegedale Wal-Mart assault case is facing charges of his own in connection with an incident with his girlfriend. [More]The fruit doesn't roll very far from the tree?
I can't help but wonder if this guy's kid was taught by example to resolve frustration the "Only One" way...
[Via RCB]
Semper Infidelis
A Marine has been arrested, suspended from college and ordered to undergo a psychological evaluation for bringing a handgun and knife to campus – even though he holds a concealed carry permit issued by the state. [More]It's been done.
Teddy Totes a Gun
A new character has been introduced on the Hamas children's television show "Pioneers of Tomorrow," the teddy bear Nassur, who immediately expressed a desire to...carry a gun. [More]It's been done.
Applying Themselves in the Sunshine State
Floridians have requested 187,162 concealed-weapon permit applications over the last six months - an 82 percent increase compared with a year earlier. [More]I guess.
I just can't seem to appreciate the silver lining without noticing that big black cloud...
[Via Ed M]
We're the Only Ones Red Zone Enough
The deputy says Smoke attacked him, and he shot in self-defense.
Hutts said Smoke was barking, but never attacked the deputy. An eyewitness backs Hutts' account. [More]
I have to say this assessment is looking pretty right on:
People should know that McGuire is armed and dangerous and a threat. He is violent.In other words, he's an "Only One"?
[Via Mama Liberty]
Still Think Cops are the 'Only Ones' Who Can be Trusted with Guns?

Candidly, the popularity of the "Only Ones" feature surprised me--I get tips every day, and have to make sure the purpose of my WarOnGuns site doesn't get overshadowed. Still, since one of the prime arguments of the gunhaters is that police can be trusted with guns but you and I cannot be, such stories are useful, if only anecdotally, at providing a demonstrable counterpoint to that claim.Today's Gun Rights Examiner column gently indoctrinates a more general readership to something we here are more than familiar with...
Here are two more cases in point...[More]
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Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners: Austin: Another Brady hallucination: More guns, more ‘gun violence’ (Part 2) Charlotte: Guns and the Constitution: Rep. Itse responds to readers on secession bill DC: DC City Council enables residents’ easy access to mail order handgun carry permits! Denver: I carry a gun....and I buy groceries Los Angeles: Gun Control: Guns in churches. Milwaukee: Time to change our attitude about guns Minneapolis: Dispelling the myth of “The Wild West” St. Louis: Hunting rifles--the next 'sniper weapons'
This Day in History: February 20
The principal design of this is to inform you, that we have strong reason to believe that the Enemy are on the point of making some push. what their object is, whether to beat up our Quarters and to extend their own, to make a large forage and collection of provender, of which they are in great want, or to turn their views towards the Delaware, is a matter of uncertainty; but it seems probable, that one of these things they have in contemplation. [More]