From, toward the bottom of page 64:

That's funny.
One of the expert witnesses in the case says he's sent your liaison information and has been ignored.
And I see not being invited didn't stop y'all from inserting yourself in the
Parker (now
Heller) case. You not only just "stepped in on your own," hell,
you tried to derail it. Just like your attorney
tried to do with Silveira, a case you
were invited, that is practically begged, to support.
Seeing how the outcome of this case affects every owner of a semiautomatic firearm in the country, one must ask what you
have done to show the least bit of curiosity AND LEADERSHIP. Did anyone call Olofson's attorneys, ask 'em what's going on, see if there's anything you could do to help? Did they reject your advances?
God, this forked tongue misdirection out of Fairfax drives me nuts.