GOA just shared this on Facebook. Evidently, someone stickered the ATF booth sign at SHOT!
Misspelling aside, that's hysterical.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Sean Penn owning guns after domestic violence plea raises legal questions
What Penn is even doing with guns in the first place is a mystery, if the reports are true that when partnered with Madonna, he tied her to a chair and beat her up with a baseball bat. The Lautenberg amendment prohibition on gun ownership applies to those convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence, and according to the New York Daily News, “Penn was also charged with felony domestic assault during his marriage to Madonna. He pleaded to a misdemeanor.” [More]
As usual, all the “real reporters” missed the real story. Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report asks how someone with a Lautenberg gun prohibition can have 65 guns to melt down in the first place. Perhaps it would make for a good Five Minute Activism project to ask @ATFHQ...
Sunday's Armed American Radio Program
I meant to post this earlier in the week but got sidetracked, and just now remembered:
Supreme Court case victor Dick Heller joins forces with Rasta Rock Opera musician Stevie Marco to educate kids and bring their message to AAR. Famed economist, author and Fox News Contributor John R. Lott talks Obama executive orders, David Codrea and George “The Mad Ogre” Hill discuss current events.
The Golden Fudd Award
And the winner is... [More]
I'm sorry...I realize the guy has made a turnaround, and I admit he has since used his voice and reach to do a lot of good -- but there's just something about this that makes me think... "Really?"
As an aside, anybody think Dick Metcalf will be perceptive enough to pick up on the blatant, can't miss 'em signals the gun establishment is sending him, or will he continue sleeping with the enemy...?
I'm sorry...I realize the guy has made a turnaround, and I admit he has since used his voice and reach to do a lot of good -- but there's just something about this that makes me think... "Really?"
As an aside, anybody think Dick Metcalf will be perceptive enough to pick up on the blatant, can't miss 'em signals the gun establishment is sending him, or will he continue sleeping with the enemy...?
Rejecting the Premises
Attack! Attack! Attack! [More]
Don't cede a thing, language included. Especially language.
[Via James Simpson]
Don't cede a thing, language included. Especially language.
[Via James Simpson]
Tonight on ATSNTV's Shooting Destination Night/Stop the Threat: "The Apartment"
![]() |
About to make some bad choices... |
Three college students cheer their team into victory at their apartment, fueled by beer and chips, when they hear a noise that alerts them to thieves trying to steal their car...Stop the Threat host, James B. Towle and guests Rob Pincus, Kelly Muir and Marc MacYoung weigh in on this incident and offer their expert comments in a lively discussion.Watch on the PURSUIT Channel:
DISH Network: Channel 240 HUNT DirecTV: Channel 604 PRST
Wednesdays 2:00pm PST 5:00pm EST
Thursdays 10:00pm PST
Fridays 6:00pm PST/9:00pm EST
Fridays 1:00am EST
And you can watch past episodes on ATSNTV's YouTube Channel.
The Devil its Due
Evidently a promo for an upcoming horror movie...[Watch]
On the surface it seems funny, but I wonder how people can presume to take liberties to do this to others, and what makes the production studio's risk management department so sure stunts like this won't trigger a heart attack or a physical reaction where someone being startled could injure themselves or others...
Maybe someone who suddenly leaped back can find a good ambulance chaser and claim whiplash...
On the surface it seems funny, but I wonder how people can presume to take liberties to do this to others, and what makes the production studio's risk management department so sure stunts like this won't trigger a heart attack or a physical reaction where someone being startled could injure themselves or others...
Maybe someone who suddenly leaped back can find a good ambulance chaser and claim whiplash...
The Kapo Eli Gat
And what right did they have to decide the fate of 50,000 others? [More]They weren't the ones deciding it.
I am unable to find the words to express my contempt for this...this thing.
The article is behind a paywall, but you don't want to reward Haaretz anyway. You can find all you need to know here.
UPDATE: Kurt let me know the original is available via Google cache.
[Via Dave Licht]
One Question
How many of you guys would draw down on and arrest me if I let you know, in the course of a civil conversation, that I was carrying a concealed firearm and had neither a "permit" nor a badge? [Watch]
A Game of Inches
She never heard of the Tueller drill? [More]
So now do we need a measuring wheel, and to ask the assailant to hold up a moment while we roll off the distance? And it's "thirty (30) feet of the threshold or nearest access of entry," so being on the porch doesn't cut it.
I'd like to see somebody give her a laser pointer (no, not that kind) and have her consistently spot 30 feet.
And I assume 29'11" would be cause for a world of legal hurt?
[Via Neil W]
So now do we need a measuring wheel, and to ask the assailant to hold up a moment while we roll off the distance? And it's "thirty (30) feet of the threshold or nearest access of entry," so being on the porch doesn't cut it.
I'd like to see somebody give her a laser pointer (no, not that kind) and have her consistently spot 30 feet.
And I assume 29'11" would be cause for a world of legal hurt?
[Via Neil W]
The Fix is In
Everybody who thinks tyrants voluntarily cede power in the absence of a strong self-preservation interest, raise your hand... [More]
All SCOTUS ever has to do to keep bad edicts alive is...nothing.
Which means we either accept them and live under them or...what?
All SCOTUS ever has to do to keep bad edicts alive is...nothing.
Which means we either accept them and live under them or...what?
Any Way to Check This Out?
I had my own login an password, I would go to their site and enter a SN. Technically they weren't registering guns, they were recording transactions BUT along with the dealer who last sold the gun (and when) the purchaser's name popped up too. [More]We're right to be skeptical, but I'd at least like to explore the possibility. Anyone have knowledge of this, and a way to validate it?
I'd appreciate if the source for this got in touch with me: dcodrea@hotmail.com
[Via bondmen]
First-Person Shooters
I posted a link to Anthony Martin's latest column on Facebook about debunking common mass shooting myths, and some discussion ensued about the effects of video games. One person expressed uncertainty over dismissing them as a cause, and I replied:
My personal belief, not scientific, but just intuitive and based on what I see in life, is that gaming might be a catalyst for some--but anyone that close to the edge could be set off by anything, and attempts to regulate, control and ban would be as "successful" as "gun control"-- in other words, anyone who can't be trusted with a [gun, video game, matches, fill in the blank] can't be trusted without a custodian--and they need to leave the rest of us the hell alone until our actions prove ourselves a danger to ourselves or others.He cited Lt. Col. Dave Grossman's work and the 2001 Stanford Study on Media Violence. My response:
I've promoted Grossman's work and am aware he believes that, but he is offering an opinion, and his outstanding credentials in his field of expertise do not make him infallible in all. In re studies, I admit I have not competently analyzed the Stanford one, because I don't possess the specialized education to do a thorough job of it. My layman's understanding is that it artificially measured "aggression" (to include playground taunts) and did not separate TV viewing from video gaming in terms of causation. So is extended viewing and gaming the cause, or the fact that your parents (or parent) leave you unsupervised for so long? And what does that say about the example they set and the limits, expectations and standards they set, and behaviors their conduct induces and allows? So many other factors can have effects on the results. Plus, only one limited study hardly seems sufficient to declare certainty. I've seen enough"gun studies" to be wary of accepting any as the final word. Bottom line: I don't think anyone can take the population of gamers and come up with a sound and reliable prediction of what percentage will be caused, persuaded or motivated to commit homicide as a result, because it is so infinitesimally small as to have no statistically measurable validity, and parenting, economic and environmental factors have not been filtered out--and that goes for Stanford, too, which was done in 12 Bay area schools, meaning their subjects were overwhelmingly children of "progressives"--tell me THAT won't screw a kid up. I see no legitimate law that could be enacted here, but plenty of ways for those who would rule us to gin up concerns to exploit and further their control.While it's just my opinion, I don't think I'm wrong, especially about the "law" part.
DiFi Does the Bump and Grind
And I do apologize for the imagery.
After you've cauterized your eyeballs and flushed your brain with Clorox, you might want to head over to Kurt's and read what he has to say about her latest "poll dance"... [More]
After you've cauterized your eyeballs and flushed your brain with Clorox, you might want to head over to Kurt's and read what he has to say about her latest "poll dance"... [More]
Stroke of the Pen, Law of the Land
Kind'a cool. [More]
He can use it to continue his war on America, one that will not only hit the poor the hardest, as energy rates affect the cost of everything, but the ultimate plan is to swell the ranks of the dependent anyway...
Democracy in action!
Watch and marvel and consider the complicity and gutlessness of every politician who is not screaming for this subversive's impeachment and more.
Not that they could expect all those desperate job applicants to jeopardize their chances...
He can use it to continue his war on America, one that will not only hit the poor the hardest, as energy rates affect the cost of everything, but the ultimate plan is to swell the ranks of the dependent anyway...
Democracy in action!
Watch and marvel and consider the complicity and gutlessness of every politician who is not screaming for this subversive's impeachment and more.
Not that they could expect all those desperate job applicants to jeopardize their chances...
It's a Mystery to Me
"I don't know why you'd need a gun in a movie theater," said Bob Stock. [More]Well if you don't know, why the hell should anyone listen to you?
Also: Don't let the "legitimate news media" use this to scapegoat "Stand Your Ground."
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Aiding and Abetting Enough
McCallum used village police to protect drug dealing, rob rivals and steal goods, according to affidavits used for search warrants that helped break the case. The documents say he took kickbacks and looted village funds to the point that an auditor asked why there were no bank deposits for about a year. [More]And that's why government needs to have a monopoly of violence! Duh!
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Probing Enough
By the time his encounter with the officers ended the next day, Eckert had endured three enemas, two anal probes and a colonoscopy at Gila Regional Medical Center -- and authorities found no drugs. [More]So have they all been charged with forcible sodomizing/rape/rape with a foreign object?
I do wonder how much outrage I would feel if the same thing happened to each and every perpetrator --on Pay-Per-View-- and sorry, but I keep coming up with "Not much."
We're the Only Ones Pleading Enough
Misdemeanor. And it was intentional. Cool. [More]
I wonder how David Olofson feels about that...
[Via Bruce W. Krafft]
I wonder how David Olofson feels about that...
[Via Bruce W. Krafft]
This Day in History: January 15
It is now a notorious fact, that three parties have been expressly sent from Canada to take or put me to death. Captain Brownson, lately returned from Canada, a Mr. Shephard, of Tryon county, a Mr- Mott of Saratoga, and others who have made communications to the Commissioners for detecting conspiracies, all agree, that the British are determined to get me into their possession. [More]
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