1894C said...
...I can't wait to read your opinions of DC V Parker & the impending Aug deadline to appeal to SCOTUS, the CA pending bill to ban lead ammo for hunting, the OSHA pending ruling regarding the storage of gunpowder and ammo.
I may not have time to do a very thorough job on these, so here are my hipshot impressions. Feel free to disagree:
I hope I'm wrong, but I think Fenty's going to cave on
Parker. I don't think the anti-gun establishment is confident enough in their legal position to want to see this one go any further, and they'll carrot/stick the mayor to take one for the team and drop it. Which means we still won't have a SCOTUS ruling--and that will be exploited later in a venue more to the subversives' advantage.
The environmentalcases have made great freedom-destroying strides in this country, and California is at the forefront. Plus, they've been know in the past to enact edicts just to give an
in your face! to gun owners. I've pretty much said my piece on the lead issue
here, and would only reassert that anything
Leonardo Dicaprio thinks is a good idea needs to be vetted for childishness.
In re OSHA and the proposed regs, again, I have no crystal ball, but my feeling is that the issue will be put on the back burner for the time being--at least until the base-alienating republicans succeed in transferring enough power to allow the democrats to force it through. This is just one more example of how freedom is about a lot more than guns. Put another way, anti-freedom is about controlling others--in all aspects of their lives and affairs.