I'm getting it.
As of this moment, there are 219 comments on Digg (you need to be a registered user).
And the comments over at the post itself are growing--you don't need to be registered there, so go on over and see what some of the observers are saying (particularly a defeatist who calls himself "Monsignor").
Y'know, this writing thing is maddening. As regulars here are reminded every day, I've been trying like all get-out to promote my GRE columns, and it took basically a reprint of a post I did 15 years ago to give me my biggest all-time day ever--and it's still growing.

But let me spend hours researching something I think is original, unique, important, and cue the crickets. Funny what takes.
Anyway, go on over to GRE (and Digg if you can) and enjoy (or dive into) the brouhaha.