The key to understanding is trying to appreciate all points of view, right? [More]
I'd wonder if Justin's got a girlfriend, but then someone would accuse me of presumptuous cis-specist prejudice (Did I use that right? Tough to keep up).
After all, the outside world looks down on a man marrying a llama (NSFW)
[Via Mack H]
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Rule of Whose 'Law'?
This entire weaponization of DOJ investigations, prosecutions, and sentences to punish perceived enemies and to reward loyal factotums is a threat to the rule of law in America. [More]That's what some of us were saying back when Janet Reno and Eric Holder ruled the roost. Ain't it something that Slate evidently had no concerns about Waco and Fast and Furious?
[Via Mack H]
In the Interests of Consistency
It’s safe to assume that when CNN and Breitbart agree that Eric Greitens is fully exonerated, you can bank on it. [More]But he wasn't.
Apologists tried to do that with Eric Holder too.
[Via Michael G]
Bingo Night
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Go here to find out when and where.
Who Do We Root For?
George Soros Calls for Removal of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for ‘Helping Trump Get Re-Elected’ [More]If it were on pay-per-view, would you prefer with weapons or bare-handed?
[Via Michael G]
The Road Less Traveled By
Gun Owners of America is proud to endorse Representative Mo Brooks’ upcoming legislation, the Lawful Interstate Transportation of Firearms Act which expands the transportation protections of the Firearm Owners’ Protection Act (FOPA). Please use the field above to ask your congressman to cosponsor this momentous legislation alongside Rep. Brooks. [More]Assuming you don't live behind enemy lines, why not take a moment and help?
Razing the Alamo
“We believe that Texas, as it becomes younger and increasingly diverse, can be the next emerging battleground state with gun safety as the tipping point,” Chris Carr, the group’s political director wrote in the memo. [More]Thank goodness this has nothing to do with that "single issue," right, Saviors?
Community Property
According to a notice posted on Feb. 11, city and district-level authorities in Guangzhou city can, “when necessary,” “temporarily expropriate” houses, venues, vehicles, and other resources from companies or individuals. [More]Who better to lecture us on "human rights violations" than undisputed experts at it?
[Via Mack H]
Maybe We've Been Going About This Wrong...
Rather than being an anomaly, the preventable failures that contributed to the Sutherland Springs, Texas, massacre are a symptom of a vast problem spanning the entire federal government, according to two experts with decades of experience with the electronic records management application standard that undergirds virtually all records management software deployed in agencies across the government. [More]Wouldn't it be something if it turned out there was no safer place for our gun ownership records than a federal registry...?
[Via Mack H]
A Good First Step
George Zimmerman, who shot and killed Trayvon Martin in 2012, filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Democratic presidential candidates Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren, alleging that they slandered him as a racist in order to “garner votes in the black community.” [More]'bout time he started doing that.
The ultimate victory would be if he won a court settlement that forced Jesse Jackson to apolo-gize.
[Via Michael G]
Banking on Extortion
Although the Frederick County producer wasn’t suspected of drug dealing, tax evasion, or criminal enterprise, Internal Revenue Service investigators wedged Sowers into a legal vise with almost no chance of escape. Sowers’ wife had made a series of bank deposits—all less than $10,000 cash and gleaned from farmers’ markets—and in response, IRS was baying for proverbial blood. “They seized almost $70,000 of our money, had us scared and thinking we were going to prison, and maybe losing all we’d worked for,” Sowers explains. “Roll over and shut up—that’s the game I was supposed to play.” [More]Securing the Blessings of Liberty again, I see...
They're counting on "law-abiding" people having too much to lose and not pushing back. For the most part, they do and they won't.
Still, there comes a time when "freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose." They keep crossing lines and someone's going to feel that way, and who can say at what point others will deem it to be their fight, too.
[Via Michael G]
It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Libertarian' Is
Lincoln Chafee, Former Republican Senator and Independent Governor, Seeks Libertarian Party Presidential Nomination [More]Seems like a natural...
By Hook or By Crook
[T]he Sandy Hook father sent Google a notice demanding takedown of Volokh’s post, which had simply reported on the controversy without taking defendants’ side. “Failure to do so will leave no alternative but to seek legal redress and remedies in the appropriate court of law. PLEASE BE GOVERNED ACCORDINGLY.” [More]I guess Lenny Pozner never heard about the Streisand effect...
[Via Michael G]
Welcome to the Party, Pals
“The number of, which was astounding to me, the number of customers we have, who are obviously gun enthusiasts, hunters, concealed carry, whatever, that have absolutely no idea what I-1639 was and the impacts that it now has,” Pannkuk said. “We get often (from customers) like, ‘I didn’t have to do this before, what do you mean I have to do this.’ I’m like, ‘Yeah, that passed, it was effective July 1.’” [More]F*** every one of them, goddam parasites.
[Via Jeffersonian]
We're the Only Ones Idealistic Enough
It’s too early to tell how Sheriff Miyamoto will balance both of his ideals...[More]No it's not.
[Via Jeffersonian]
Qu'ils Mangent de la Brioche!
WaPo Opinion Piece Calls For Elites to Have a 'Bigger Say in Choosing President' [More]Hell, us racist Nazi Deplorables shouldn't even be allowed to vote!
Or breathe.
[Via Michael G]
Brought to You Courtesy of the 'Gun Lobby'
Democrat Representative David Nangle was arrested by the FBI and IRS on a 28-count indictment that includes a wide variety of corruption charges. Some of those charges include, at this time, bank fraud, wire fraud, lying to a bank, and even filing false tax returns. [More]It's interesting to track how easily such frauds influence those we expect to be able to turn to for political guidance and show their true colors once they've got the power they wanted:
Kind'a makes you wonder about the reliability of those who make pretty damn good money to be influencers.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Unjoined Enough
U.S. Cops Are Facing a Recruitment Crisis. Will It Force Them to Change Their Ways? [More]Don't be silly. Just keep doing what they're doing.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Moving Enough
Former-Los Angeles County Sheriff Ordered to Report to Prison [More]I can't begin to tell you how bad this makes me feel.
[Via bondmen]
Where Do They Think They Are, America?
At least three more county boards in rural Minnesota voted Tuesday to approve resolutions declaring themselves “Second Amendment Dedicated” counties, a move that signals the strength of pro-gun sentiments outside of the Twin Cities metro area. [More]Uh oh. The Somalis aren't gonna like that one bit.
[Via Gary F]
You Bet It's Personal
“On Saturday, a man with a large assault weapon with a large extended magazine came to my home. He stood outside my kitchen window for a couple of hours or so,” Levine said Monday on the Virginia House floor... [More]Well, that certainly conjures up a self-serving image. Was he on his property, next to it and looking through it, or was he on a public sidewalk, technically outside his kitchen window" but not with the menacing intrusiveness being implied?
Without being able to read minds, how does he know the man's intent was to coerce? Perhaps it was to defy. Perhaps it was an act of courtesy, to let him know that actions can have consequences for those who would send armed coercion teams to the homes of their countrymen.
And how come this account says it was a shotgun yet reports Levine saying:
"Are we going to say that it's OK to take loaded assault weapons with extended magazines and go and threaten every elected official?"So we won't even have Fudd guns if he has his way?
In any event, as desperately as he huffs and puffs, had a crime been committed, the police would have arrested the protestor. Herschel says he's filed a FOIA for their report. And the man answers my question about coercion -- looks like my instincts were right.
And ever the budding totalitarian, Levine leaves us with this:
Levine said that if what happened Saturday is not a crime, he will seek legislation next year to make it one. "If it's not illegal, I'm going to be damned sure by next year it is illegal," he said.Squeeze, baby, squeeze!
I guess those who demand obedience or else don't like the First Amendment any better than they do the Second.
MLB Star Banned From World Series Reunion Over ‘Politically Incorrect’ Tweets, Photo Of Gun Range With Sons [More]It's the "progressive" thing to do!
Evidently, Larry finds his conduct inexcusable.
[Via Bluesgal]
Michael Bloomberg's company is facing a lawsuit from a woman claiming she was subjected to a hostile and discriminatory work environment when she returned from cancer treatment -- and was ultimately fired and pressured to sign a nondisclosure agreement days after she was hospitalized for mental illness. []*She's lucky she wasn't 95.
* Fox News does not allow link access from Blogger.
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