Welcome to our sixth gallery of posts for the Million Moon March. Let's jump right in and see who's recently joined the Million Faces campaign to demand global small arms controls...
When "Bill" talks about "atrocities," he's not clowning around...

Everyone's favorite Mad Hatter notes one Control Arms supporter who's a real Il Duce-bag.

Fodder brings us three new Predators on Parade:
A study in Teflon® (and a Dapper Don)...

...a guy who says guns drive him Bugsy (Siegel, that is)...

...and what would a hit website be without a hitman? Bully for you, Sammy Gravano!

I almost missed George here. He wants to make sure no one at the cafeteria will hurt him with a nasty gun. Rest assured, George--your friends at Control Arms are doing their best to keep you safe from armed violence.

Idi? Idi Amin Dada? Is that you? Don't worry, once we get tough on arms, there will be no one to stop you from being President for Life...

Meanwhile, back in the Ottoman Empire, Blognomicon has found our old friend Mehmed II, who wants to make sure his invading hordes don't get hurt by any inconvenient resistance on the part of the locals. Vlad--put down that stake--you could put somebody's heart out with that thing! (Did I mention my heritage is Transylvanian? Really, no joke.)

So far, we've managed to get enough support to make this a weekly feature at War on Guns. I'll keep posting Million Facers as long as you gentle visitors keep submitting them. And if you are new to this, by all means, tour the other galleries listed below and see all the fun we've been having. Why not join us?
Gallery I
Gallery II
Gallery III
Gallery IV
-Gallery IV (v 1.0)
-Galley IV (v 2.0)
Gallery V