Thursday, January 15, 2009
We're the Only Ones Idiotic Enough
“Who’s responsible for local communities? The local community or Lincoln?’’ said Hastings Police Chief Larry Thoren when told of the legal opinion.Oh, are you assuming responsibility, Larry? As in a duty to protect individuals, with an attendant liability should you fail? And you, Bruce: You're just beyond help.
Beatrice Police Chief Bruce Lang said he believed the city’s ban on concealed weapons may help decrease outbreaks of violence.
He said concealed weapons create “more opportunities for weapons to be placed in bad situations,’’ such as domestic disputes. [More]
Where do they find these "Only One" freaks? They're clearly inferior to rational men. Can you imagine asking one of them permission for anything?
[Via She Draws Him Like a Gun]
UPDATE: Go read this.
No, chief, we can't just "choose to have a different view."
There's nothing "beautiful" about your brand of localized tyranny.
"What's Wrong With This Picture?" Redux
Joe's Crabby Shack demonstrates how convenient some stores truly are...[More]
Something Smells in Clearwater and I Don't Think it's the Fish
"The reason that the fish are not allowed is because it's related to what he is selling," city spokeswoman Joelle Castelli said. [More]Fish picture control? Really?
These people know no limits in their arrogance, do they?
Feel free to tell Joelle what signs wouldn't be allowed to depict what she's selling...
[Via Ed M]
Saying All the Right Words
Gun Rights | 10:35 a.m. On the right to bear arms, under the 2nd Amendment, although Mr. Holder said he had sided with those who believed it did not confer an individual right, he pointed out the Supreme Court had ruled that it does in the recent gun law case involving Washington, D.C. “The reality is now the Supreme Court has spoken and that is now the law of the land,” and must be respected, he said. [More]Live-blogging the Holder hearings...
He sounds almost as convincing as the Republicans, doesn't he?
Well then. Nice to know he's on our side. Forget all that arm-waving I've been doing. I'll tell Jeff Knox we got the "All Clear."
[Via Bow]
UPDATE: Huh. Looks like Halbrook's gonna speak.
[Via Mack H]
The Stopification of Guns
President Bush said yesterday that the United States should work to stop the movement of guns across our southern border into Mexico. At the same time, the president said Americans could help Mexico by using fewer illegal drugs. [More]Every time I start to think the "Vote Freedom First President" can't possibly be as stupid as he comes across, he comes out and says something that makes me think "Yeah, he probably is."
If only it weren't for those damned American gun shows...
[Via Zachary G] and Avg Joe
Insult to Injury
The Court Costs Must Be Paid by Asberry [More]Naturally.
Why would they let a little thing like a different birth date and Social Security number cause them to question whether or not they'd arrested the right citizen?
He should consider himself lucky they didn't arrange a jailhouse rape to keep him in line and just let it go.
[Via Carl S]
We're the Only Ones Frisky Enough
At the board meeting today, Orange County deputies searched gun-rights supporters, especially those wearing CCW buttons, according to those who attended the meeting. [More]Express an opinion, become a suspect. It's the "Only One" way. You know, the ones who can have guns.
[Via Ben G]
"What's the Logic of That One?"
CBS 6 Albany "Authorized Journalists" Liz Bishop and Ed Ryan confirm what we have come to expect from their snotty, ignorant, judgmental kind. [More]
I guess Liz thinks news anchorettes are immortal...and Ed, well, Ed is in the fitting room...
I guess Liz thinks news anchorettes are immortal...and Ed, well, Ed is in the fitting room...
Another Mayor Against Guns

Racine city officials say Mayor Gary Becker is under arrest on possible charges of child pornography and solicitation of a minor. [More]
Not Mayor Against Guns Gary...? Say it ain't so...
I still haven't recovered from the Baltimore PETA spokesmayor's recent fall from grace...
I see Thirdpower is keeping a list.
I think I may have found the topic for my next Guns Magazine Rights Watch column.
Meanwhile, just take a seat...
[Via Tom D]
Courtney...Paging Garrison Courtney...
A correspondent has figured out how to thank him for his important work securing the blessings of Liberty...
I'm sure a humble guy like him will have no comment. [More]
I'm sure a humble guy like him will have no comment. [More]
A Bill of Rights Oopsie?
Ok, I really hope that I’m wrong on this but it looks like the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that any evidence found from a search that was a mistake but not an intentional violation of your 4th Amendment rights still bears evidence that can be used in court. [More]Wrong guy? Wrong house?
Boy, our faces are almost as red as yours...
Y'know, being secure in your person, house, papers and effects is overrated anyway. Besides, what have you got to hide?
And remember: "They hate us because we're free."
Patrick McGoohan, RIP

I'd shared some of my thoughts on the importance of "The Prisoner" a while back.
Be seeing you.
The Five Ps
Individual ownership of a firearm no more qualifies the owner to protect themselves and their property and defend the rights granted by their creator than individual ownership of a cowboy hat qualifies the owner for the National Finals Rodeo. [More]Very true.
Y'know, I bet it wouldn't be much of a stretch to come up with a similar statement about uniforms...
[Via Ron W]
We're the Only Ones Clipping Along at High Velocity Enough
Assistant Police Superintendent Marlon Defillo said that on Saturday evening, as crime lab investigators began to "process" the car, they found an assault shotgun in the trunk along with a "high velocity" magazine clip for the 9 mm handgun and shotgun shells. [More]Let's see, the dead citizen had no criminal record and a permit for his gun, the car that pulled alongside him was unmarked and the officers were in street clothes, the "official" police union version is disputed...yeah, sounds like he intended to start a "gun battle" with the (naturally unidentified) "Only Ones" to me...
Assault shotguns. High velocity magazine clips.
Good grief.
[Via Steven K]
Ladies and Gentlemen, I Give You...
Kurt Hofmann, the St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. [More]
I told you I knew something you didn't know...
Go read. Bookmark. Spread the word.
Go get 'em, Kurt!
I told you I knew something you didn't know...
Go read. Bookmark. Spread the word.
Go get 'em, Kurt!
Kill (the) Bill - Volume Two

I could remind readers that the violent criminal underclass--you know, the group from which Blair Holt's killer sprang--will still operate entirely outside the system.Today's Gun Rights Examiner presents another aspect of Bobby Rush's insane bill.
Everyone knows the murder took place in handgun-free Chicago, right? And that the teenage assailant was prohibited from possessing a gun by any number of laws, prohibited from carrying it by law, prohibited from shooting people by law...
OK, but what's the danger in keeping tabs on what otherwise law-abiding gun owners own? [More]
Hey, I had a first yesterday. The column ended up as #1 in both "Political" and "National" categories. These things go up and down, so currently I'm at #2 in "Political" and #5 "National. And here's something else to consider--I've said from the start there is a demand for this, and I'm being proven right. As of this moment, John Longenecker's Los Angeles Gun Rights Examiner and Daniel White's Cleveland Gun Rights Examiner are at #3 and #5 respectively in the nationwide "Politics" category, so I'm assuming they're kicking tail in their beat cities. Understand these are new columns--heck, mine is only 3 months old. They've beaten my numbers with some of their articles, and I count on them to do it again.
And this is where I get to act like the smart-alecky kid with the "I know something you don't know" smirk. I hope to have another bit of good related news to give you later today.
How do you think the powers that be now look on gun rights as a topic with untapped potential? And do you think maybe their competitors may catch on, and open up new opportunities for spreading an RKBA message to an even broader audience?
I hope this illustrates how vital it is for supporters of this site to also support the work (and non-supporters can continue to ignore the phenomenon). As always, please do what you can to share the links with your friends, post them to forums, send them to your local newspaper's editors (urging them to "Feature these guys' stuff!"), etc.
This Day in History: January 15
Resolved, That the sum of 533 1/3 dollars be advanced the Board of War, for defraying the expences of sending the Hessian prisoners to Dumfries, and the prisoners in the guard house in Baltimore, to Leesburg, in Virginia, agreeable to the orders of Congress; the said Board to be accountable for the expenditure. [More]
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