What with New Zealand in the news, what would you be prepared to do if the Big One happened here? [Read]
What about if Marjoe Gortner showed up?
Notes from the Resistance...
3 officers resign over allegations of excessive force [More]If they are using excessive force, what amount of resistance would not be excessive?
Officer Waits Weeks To Report Stolen GunsLet's see, he left them in his car to keep his kids safe, but the car lock doesn't always work, and he offered a job to work on the car to two strangers he pulled over, and he doesn't know if they saw the guns, and his dogs were barking, and he isn't sure if the guns were stolen then, and then he left town and...
Constable Dale Selvidge Left Guns In Patrol Car [More]
The name of the involved officer has not been released, but Seattle Police Chief John Diaz did comment on his performance.I'll bet.
"He's considered a very good officer. He has a good record," he said. [More]
Two police officers have been suspended from driving duties after they stopped a suspected drink driver then wrote-off his sports car by crashing through a garden wall. [More]"Only Ones" are the same the world over, aren't they?
Police use helicopter to track man who took kindling from nature reserve [More]I know Robin Hood got in trouble for going after the King's deer--perhaps they don't want commoners grabbing the Royal wood...?
Velte pointed out that "There is no way for a citizen to know who is here legally or not. In fact, under Austin’s ‘sanctuary city’ policy, not even the police officer at the door of the gunshow was allowed to ask a person’s immigration status, yet the average Texan inside the show is expected to assume that a person standing before them with a Texas driver’s license is in the country illegally just because they look Mexican and speak Spanish." Velte noted that the federal government’s lawsuit against Arizona was based on that very type of conduct: Concluding someone could be here illegally based on their looks or their language. [More]Just so we're clear: Every one of us who conducts a private sale is in danger of the same destruction of our lives.
Federal prosecutors said Ronning sold two gun silencers, seven assault weapons and a machine gun to undercover agents and others posing as Mexican citizens without identification at the Yosemite Boulevard business.It looks like they failed at using Mexico to get new "gun laws" passed, so now they're just using Mexicans--both real and simulated.
There is a way to nail both these power-seekers down in advance on how much real trust they're willing to place in We the People, and prove them to be fork-tongued opportunists if they later betray their promises.Why would anyone who is honest and sincere fear that? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column challenges some contestants to actually compete.
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September 4, 1778. The Netherlands and the U.S.A. sign a treaty of amity and commerce. During the war, this country contributed by harassing British shipping. Also, between 1780 and 1794, the Netherlands will supply the fledgling American government with aid and loans. [More]