What is being represented as the back of the H-S Precision catalog is circulating on the Internet. The reason this is controversial is because it represents notorious FBI sniper killer Lon Horiuchi endorsing the company. This is then represented by various posters as H-S "hiring" Horiuchi.
Here's the thing--I ain't sayin' it ain't, but has anyone verified this information?
It's pretty easy to PhotoShop a cover, and the thing is, I see everyone in comments on various gun boards diving into Zumbo/Cooper boycott mode, and no voices calling for fact check before action.
A company's reputation and peoples' livelihoods are at stake here, including those in the supply chain. If it can be verified the cover is legitimate, there will be a resulting and deserved grassfire. If it is determined somebody's yanking our chains for reasons unknown, I do hope everybody piling on will be as quick and enthusiastic about correcting the record.
I'm holding off on judgment until I can verify this one myself. Anyone with actual knowledge on this, please educate the rest of us.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
An F&S Hero?
Other heroes included...Charles Schumer...I need to reserve judgment and go and look at the mag in question before jumping to any conclusions on this, because I can't believe Field and Stream would print something like this and not mean it to be tongue-in-cheek, especially with the highly-publicized Zumbo/Cooper fiascos of recent memory...
Of course, I couldn't believe their editor throwing semiautos under the bus, either...
[Via KABA]
Who Would Have Thought?
"I don't trust the government, I don't trust the banks, I don't trust the political parties, and I don't trust the IMF. We had a good country here and they've ruined it."Who would have thought this would happen in Iceland of all places?
Who thinks it would be impossible for it to happen here?
[Via KABA Drudge link via Avg Joe]
You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch

Tell me that's not a worthwhile program, one that not only helps those less fortunate at a time when most of us are giving thanks for our blessings, but also one that does much to reverse a negative stereotype of gun owners and hunters promulgated by those who would like to end both gun-owning and hunting.
So what would this time of year be without a Grinch?
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column...
Just in Case There are Any Doubts...
...about this mudderfudder being a subversive Fifth Columnist in the shooting world...
GOA rating: F-
NRA rating: F
Caucus Member List: GOA/NRA GRADES
Hon. Lynn Woolsey (CA-6)F-/F
Hon. Barbara Lee (CA-9) F-/F
Vice Chairs
Hon. Diane Watson (CA-33) F-/F
Hon. Raul Grijalva (AZ-7) F-/F
Hon. Emanuel Cleaver (MO-5) F/F
Hon. Hilda Solis (CA-32) F-/F
Hon. Mazie Hirono (HI-2) F-/F
Hon. Phil Hare (IL-17) F/F
Senate Members
Hon. Bernie Sanders (VT) F/1
House Members
Hon. Neil Abercrombie (HI-1) F-/D-
Hon. Tammy Baldwin (WI-2) F/F
Hon. Xavier Becerra (CA-31) F/F
Hon. Madeleine Bordallo (GU-AL)2
Hon. Robert Brady (PA-1) F-/F
Hon. Corrine Brown (FL-3) F/F
Hon. Michael Capuano (MA-8) F/F
Hon. Donna Christensen (VI-AL)2
Hon. Yvette Clarke (NY-11) F-/F
Hon. William “Lacy” Clay (MO-1) F-/F
Hon. Steve Cohen (TN-9) F/C
Hon. John Conyers (MI-14) F/F
Hon. Elijah Cummings (MD-7) F
Hon. Danny Davis (IL-7) F/F
Hon. Peter DeFazio (OR-4) D
Hon. Rosa DeLauro (CT-3) F
Hon. Keith Ellison (MN-5) F
Hon. Sam Farr (CA-17) F-/F
Hon. Chaka Fattah (PA-2) F-/F
Hon. Bob Filner (CA-51) F-/F
Hon. Barney Frank (MA-4) F-/F
Hon. Luis Gutierrez (IL-4) F
Hon. John Hall (NY-19) F/F
Hon. Maurice Hinchey (NY-22) D-/C
Hon. Michael Honda (CA-15) F-/F
Hon. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL-2) F/F
Hon. Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX-18) F-/F
Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30) F/F
Hon. Hank Johnson (GA-4) F-/F
Hon. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (OH-11) F-/3
Hon. Marcy Kaptur (OH-9) F/C
Hon. Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI-13) F/F
Hon. Dennis Kucinich (OH-10) F-/F
Hon. John Lewis (GA-5) F/F
Hon. David Loebsack (IA-2) F/F
Hon. Carolyn Maloney (NY-14) F-/F
Hon. Ed Markey (MA-7) F-/F
Hon. Jim McDermott (WA-7) F/F
Hon. James McGovern (MA-3) F-/F
Hon. George Miller (CA-7) F/F
Hon. Gwen Moore (WI-4) F/F
Hon. Jerrold Nadler (NY-8) F-/F
Hon. Eleanor Holmes-Norton (DC-AL)2
Hon. John Olver (MA-1) F-/F
Hon. Ed Pastor (AZ-4) F-/F
Hon. Donald Payne (NJ-10) F/F
Hon. Charles Rangel (NY-15) F/F
Hon. Laura Richardson (CA-37) F/F
Hon. Bobby Rush (IL-1) F/F
Hon. Linda Sanchez (CA-47) F/D4
Hon. Jan Schakowsky (IL-9) F-/F
Hon. Jose Serrano (NY-16) F/F
Hon. Louise Slaughter (NY-28) F-/F
Hon. Pete Stark (CA-13) F/F
Hon. Bennie Thompson (MS-2) F/F
Hon. John Tierney (MA-6) F-/F
Hon. Tom Udall (NM-3) F-/C-5
Hon. Nydia Velazquez (NY-12) F/F
Hon. Maxine Waters (CA-35) F/F
Hon. Mel Watt (NC-12) F-/12
Hon. Henry Waxman (CA-30) F-/F
Hon. Peter Welch (VT-AL) D-/A-6
Hon. Robert Wexler (FL-19) F-/F
I think it's safe to say this useful idiot couldn't get a job doing gun/hunting writing for a non-leftist rag or he'd be "Zumboed"/"Coopered"--as would be our right, despite his huffs and puffs of what-kind-of-people-are-these? indignation. I also think this whole New West venture bears looking into. I note the founder has been an LA Times writer, journalism professor and globalist who has partnered with a product of UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism... with everything that implies for bringing urban "progressive" thought to the last bastions of pioneer country under the guise of conscientious environmental stewardship.
You know: watermelons.
But backed by rich watermelons nonetheless:
1Sanders not rated by NRA for 2008 cycle. Last rating (2006) was C-.
2At Large delegates for Guam, US Virgin Islands and Washington, DC--not rated.
3 Tubbs Jones died before the election. New candidates unrated by NRA.
4Based on their list, the Progressive Caucus doesn't even know their own members. Linda Sanchez is District 39. Loretta Sanchez is District 47. Linda has F grades from GOA and NRA. Loretta has an F from GOA and a D from NRA.
5Udall has been elected to the US Senate.
6GOA's rationale per below graphic (click to enlarge).

* Apparently Connors is more of a Bush RINO...but Feld is a rich democrat contributor, and Povich is, well, Mr. Connie Chung.
Please, Let it be Grijalva for Interior SecretaryAh, yes, Grijalva!
GOA rating: F-
NRA rating: F
He’s also co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus...Bill Schneider, you say that like it's a good thing...
Caucus Member List: GOA/NRA GRADES
Hon. Lynn Woolsey (CA-6)F-/F
Hon. Barbara Lee (CA-9) F-/F
Vice Chairs
Hon. Diane Watson (CA-33) F-/F
Hon. Raul Grijalva (AZ-7) F-/F
Hon. Emanuel Cleaver (MO-5) F/F
Hon. Hilda Solis (CA-32) F-/F
Hon. Mazie Hirono (HI-2) F-/F
Hon. Phil Hare (IL-17) F/F
Senate Members
Hon. Bernie Sanders (VT) F/1
House Members
Hon. Neil Abercrombie (HI-1) F-/D-
Hon. Tammy Baldwin (WI-2) F/F
Hon. Xavier Becerra (CA-31) F/F
Hon. Madeleine Bordallo (GU-AL)2
Hon. Robert Brady (PA-1) F-/F
Hon. Corrine Brown (FL-3) F/F
Hon. Michael Capuano (MA-8) F/F
Hon. Donna Christensen (VI-AL)2
Hon. Yvette Clarke (NY-11) F-/F
Hon. William “Lacy” Clay (MO-1) F-/F
Hon. Steve Cohen (TN-9) F/C
Hon. John Conyers (MI-14) F/F
Hon. Elijah Cummings (MD-7) F
Hon. Danny Davis (IL-7) F/F
Hon. Peter DeFazio (OR-4) D
Hon. Rosa DeLauro (CT-3) F
Hon. Keith Ellison (MN-5) F
Hon. Sam Farr (CA-17) F-/F
Hon. Chaka Fattah (PA-2) F-/F
Hon. Bob Filner (CA-51) F-/F
Hon. Barney Frank (MA-4) F-/F
Hon. Luis Gutierrez (IL-4) F
Hon. John Hall (NY-19) F/F
Hon. Maurice Hinchey (NY-22) D-/C
Hon. Michael Honda (CA-15) F-/F
Hon. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL-2) F/F
Hon. Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX-18) F-/F
Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30) F/F
Hon. Hank Johnson (GA-4) F-/F
Hon. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (OH-11) F-/3
Hon. Marcy Kaptur (OH-9) F/C
Hon. Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI-13) F/F
Hon. Dennis Kucinich (OH-10) F-/F
Hon. John Lewis (GA-5) F/F
Hon. David Loebsack (IA-2) F/F
Hon. Carolyn Maloney (NY-14) F-/F
Hon. Ed Markey (MA-7) F-/F
Hon. Jim McDermott (WA-7) F/F
Hon. James McGovern (MA-3) F-/F
Hon. George Miller (CA-7) F/F
Hon. Gwen Moore (WI-4) F/F
Hon. Jerrold Nadler (NY-8) F-/F
Hon. Eleanor Holmes-Norton (DC-AL)2
Hon. John Olver (MA-1) F-/F
Hon. Ed Pastor (AZ-4) F-/F
Hon. Donald Payne (NJ-10) F/F
Hon. Charles Rangel (NY-15) F/F
Hon. Laura Richardson (CA-37) F/F
Hon. Bobby Rush (IL-1) F/F
Hon. Linda Sanchez (CA-47) F/D4
Hon. Jan Schakowsky (IL-9) F-/F
Hon. Jose Serrano (NY-16) F/F
Hon. Louise Slaughter (NY-28) F-/F
Hon. Pete Stark (CA-13) F/F
Hon. Bennie Thompson (MS-2) F/F
Hon. John Tierney (MA-6) F-/F
Hon. Tom Udall (NM-3) F-/C-5
Hon. Nydia Velazquez (NY-12) F/F
Hon. Maxine Waters (CA-35) F/F
Hon. Mel Watt (NC-12) F-/12
Hon. Henry Waxman (CA-30) F-/F
Hon. Peter Welch (VT-AL) D-/A-6
Hon. Robert Wexler (FL-19) F-/F
I think it's safe to say this useful idiot couldn't get a job doing gun/hunting writing for a non-leftist rag or he'd be "Zumboed"/"Coopered"--as would be our right, despite his huffs and puffs of what-kind-of-people-are-these? indignation. I also think this whole New West venture bears looking into. I note the founder has been an LA Times writer, journalism professor and globalist who has partnered with a product of UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism... with everything that implies for bringing urban "progressive" thought to the last bastions of pioneer country under the guise of conscientious environmental stewardship.
You know: watermelons.
But backed by rich watermelons nonetheless:
New West Publishing is backed by a group of angel investors, including Boulder-based venture capitalist Brad Feld, former Microsoft CFO John Connors*, and television personality Maury Povich.Thankfully, when the agenda is complete, the elites will still be able to enjoy Rocky Mountain resort living amidst pristine wilderness (that would be off limits "wildlands" to the rest of us). Heck, we won't even have to do any new drilling, and they'll still be able to jet in! And if you play your cards right, well, I'm sure they'll need servants and support staff, for those of you in ranching, mining, logging, etc. who can't move away and get city jobs.
1Sanders not rated by NRA for 2008 cycle. Last rating (2006) was C-.
2At Large delegates for Guam, US Virgin Islands and Washington, DC--not rated.
3 Tubbs Jones died before the election. New candidates unrated by NRA.
4Based on their list, the Progressive Caucus doesn't even know their own members. Linda Sanchez is District 39. Loretta Sanchez is District 47. Linda has F grades from GOA and NRA. Loretta has an F from GOA and a D from NRA.
5Udall has been elected to the US Senate.
6GOA's rationale per below graphic (click to enlarge).

* Apparently Connors is more of a Bush RINO...but Feld is a rich democrat contributor, and Povich is, well, Mr. Connie Chung.
Snitches Wanted: Inquire Within
An informant whose tip helps officers arrest a drug dealer could earn $50. A tip about a murder suspect could bring up to $700.See, if I were an evil criminal, I'd put ads out on the street like that myself, along with a number that went to a pay-as-you-go phone. I'd answer it pretending to be a LEO, and arrange a "police meeting" under some pretext, counting on most of these lowlifes being dumb enough to fall for it. And then, when I determined who they were, I'd have them horribly killed and make it known throughout my turf.
If I were an evil criminal...
[Via Mama Liberty]
We're the Only Ones Packing Our Bags Enough
A state trooper has been charged with possession with intent to distribute cocaine after police said they saw him accept two suitcases full of the drug in a parking lot.Sorry--I daydreamed off there for a second. I was imagining putting an "Only One" in the cage with a gorilla instead of an American Tourister...
[Via Lane]
Compulsory? For Who???
The selection of Rahm Emanuel, the Illinois congressman and Democratic apparatchik, as President-Elect Barack Obama's chief of staff, has raised a few eyebrows -- at least partially because of Emanuel's advocacy of a civilian draft. That plan for "universal civilian service" would press Americans aged 18 to 25 into government service for a minimum of three months...I hope they actually try to do this. Can you imagine the reaction from the young Obamanoids when they realize change applies to them, personally? That it's not just taking from the greedy pig you hate to give to people you want cred as being in sympathy with...?
So much for a woman--or man--being able to choose what they do with their body, and it being none of the government's business. Well, that's not quite fair--they can choose from the mandatory options provided.
And who could conscientiously object to lightworki...uh...community organizing?
Will on Heller
So, regarding judging, too, conservatism is a house divided.Only if you fall for the lie that is neo-conservatism.
We talked about J. Harvie here, including a considerably more qualified opinion from William Rawle.
Y'know, I've never really been all that impressed with George Will...he started out anti, then evolved to "unpersuaded," and now he's just squishy, and procedure, rather than principle-driven.
[Via Mark G]
The Sipsey Street Neighborhood Watch

I was moved to write about panic, because that is what the current crowd of folks jamming into gun stores and gun shows in the wake of Obama's election are being called by their supposed friends and certain enemies alike. They are said to be engaged in "panic buying."
"Goble-de-gook" on Guns in Ohio
Steve Goble, authorized journalist of the Mansfield, Ohio, News-Journal assures us that the "new congress will have higher priorities than guns."
All Eyes on Georgia
The Democrats currently control 58 seats in the Senate. If they get to 60 (the number needed to overcome a filibuster), it will be nearly impossible to stop the gun control agenda of incoming President Barack Obama.Then things'll get really interesting.
As a side note, am I missing something, or is there no way to link to individual articles on GOA's PVF site?
[Via Zachary G]
We're the Only Ones Triangulating Enough
Harris officer charged in love triangle shootingWe already know "Only Ones" like this are better than us, so I'm sure shooting an unarmed rival in the back is no reflection on their courage.
Sheriff's deputy injured jailer accused of having an affair with his wife...
[Via Lane]
Another Dangerous Felon to Disarm
A Pasco County man is facing charges after trying to run into his burning home to save his pets.Yep--sounds like just the type you want to lay a felony rap on and forever strip of his right to keep and bear arms. And he did all that resisting "without violence."
So how'd his face get all marked up?
At least we know our lives are not ours, because if they were, they'd be ours to risk.
[Via Zachary G]
Scratching the Surface
I believe this smells of conspiracy. Don't bestow a tin beanie on me please. As I said, this has been in the works for a long time.Mike H has some thoughts on the surfacing of The Lightworker.
Exercised to the Limit
Government, as we must never forget, is force. And as Simone Weil so memorably observed, force is that mysterious influence "that turns anybody who is subjected to it into a thing. Exercised to the limit, it turns man into a thing in the most literal sense: it makes a corpse out of him."William Norman Grigg tells us some stories that will make your blood boil.
I wouldn't want to be one of the mini-tyrants he describes when a victim finally snaps. I wouldn't even want to be associated with them.
[Via Ron W]
This Day in History: November 25
The South Carolina Congress resolves that "the colony is in a state of actual alarm" and sends additional militia into the interior to reinforce those fighting against the loyalists.
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