Try here--it's probably as up to date as any other source, and I may as well cash in on all the leftist hysteria with some page views from them.
By the way, they didn't happen to find any business cards on any of those guys, did they?
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Project GunTALKER radio opportunities bypass administration media apologists
Talk radio is providing an important means for "Project Gunwalker" information not being covered (or being misrepresented) by "Authorized Journalists" to reach the public outside of the readerships of Gun Rights Examiner and Sipsey Street Irregulars. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report now returns to our regularly scheduled programming...
Hack Attack? Proof of Spoof?
Just got this in my Hotmail inbox:
What concerns me about these faux-Rolex spammers is they make the sender appear to be my edress.
Anybody else getting junk email that purports to be from me?
What concerns me about these faux-Rolex spammers is they make the sender appear to be my edress.
Anybody else getting junk email that purports to be from me?
The Walking Dead
Zombies vs. survivors...[Read]
Good analogy.
"Night of the Living Statists"...
I like "The Walking Dead" too, as far as popcorn-in-front-of-the-big-screen entertainment goes. But in one of their supplemental AMC promo videos, the graphic novelist from whose work the series is based, Robert Kirkman, practically squealed in terror when one of the actors handed him his gun, and he confessed he'd never even touched one before, and couldn't get rid of it fast enough.
You'd think he'd know better than to be a real-life hoplophobe. Especially since the terrors that exist in real life make fictional zombies seem pathetic by comparison.
Also see: "Why does CDC's 'zombie apocalypse' preparedness list omit guns?"
Good analogy.
"Night of the Living Statists"...
I like "The Walking Dead" too, as far as popcorn-in-front-of-the-big-screen entertainment goes. But in one of their supplemental AMC promo videos, the graphic novelist from whose work the series is based, Robert Kirkman, practically squealed in terror when one of the actors handed him his gun, and he confessed he'd never even touched one before, and couldn't get rid of it fast enough.
You'd think he'd know better than to be a real-life hoplophobe. Especially since the terrors that exist in real life make fictional zombies seem pathetic by comparison.
Also see: "Why does CDC's 'zombie apocalypse' preparedness list omit guns?"
We're the Only Ones Cagey Enough

A Northern California school police officers union has angered a town after it sold T-shirts with a picture of a child behind bars and the slogan: "U raise 'em, we cage 'em." [More]Gee, ya think?
Kind'a reminds me of this...
Which, in turn, kind'a reminds me of this...
[Via William T]
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