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Thursday, August 22, 2019
We're the Fauxnly Ones Pulled Over Back Enough
Fake cop pulls over van full of real detectives, police say [More]You're aware of this archive, right? You never know when you might have to prove you had reason to doubt authenticity...
[Via Neil W]
Virginia State Crime Commission: After Action Report
WarOnGuns Correspondent Mack H attended Tuesday's meeting.
You can read news accounts here and here.
"Phil Van Cleave and Vincent Smith both were there and spoke," he tells me, along with a speaker from the Heritage Foundation who I have expressed reservations about.
Mack has created a unique document explaining red flag ADA/Title II concerns that no one else has apparently considered, and that Van Cleave presented to the commission.
Speaking of 'Frankly BS'...
"I support the Second Amendment just like everybody else," Evers said... [More]Yeah, that's the ticket.
[Via Matthew L]
Guilt By Association
RED FLAG Gun Laws: Connecticut Man’s Firearms Seized Because His SON Shared a Meme on Facebook [More]As long as we're closing loopholes, how about if someone in your house could give a disqualifying answer to any of the questions on a 4473?
[Via Henry Bowman]
Speaking of Slippery
President Donald Trump reversed himself on firearms restrictions Wednesday, saying he supports background checks one day after saying he didn't want to go down the "slippery slope" of eroding gun owners' rights. [More]Any 4D Chess apologists want to come up with an excuse for his sudden "appetite"?
Unclear on the Concept
Reclassifying semiautomatic firearms as NFA machineguns is registry, dumbass. [More]And what a registry!
We're the Only Ones Saturating Enough
Cleveland cop urinated on 12-year-old girl waiting for school bus while recording on cellphone, prosecutors say [More]Would it be wrong to wonder if there is other information about Officer Soloman Nhiwatiwa that has been intentionally left out of this story?
[Via Roger J]
We are Here
The deliberate failure of European governments to defend their nations from foreign invasion is summed up in the case of Salih Ozcan, a Dutch businessman whose building has been occupied by about 40 members of We Are Here, a group of colonists who have been denied asylum but who are obviously not going anywhere. [More]Truer words were never spoken:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.[Via Michael G]
Auto 54, ¿DĂłnde Estás?
In San Diego, California, Mexico’s Excelsior has reported, the “locals” have organized a patrol to “protect the community”—but not from petty crime or even gang violence ... No, this unit has an altogether different job, as the logo on the “patrol car” proclaims: Protegiendo la Comunidad – No al Terror de ICE y la Policia (“Protecting the Community — No to the Terror of ICE and the Police”). [More]Can you imagine the collective political and media meltdown if heritage Americans did this to guard their communities against illegal aliens?
As opposed to this?
[Via Michael G]
Lesson Learned?
“That’s what I kind of take from all of this. When I go into the field now, I need to make sure I have my sidearm.” [More]Why just into the field? Predators are everywhere.
[Via Michael G]
So the Answer is Denial?
...why not approach this issue not as enemies but as compatriots? [More]Because masking the nature of a thing doesn't change it.
[Via DDS]
Reversal of Fortune
Michigan court reverses convictions for Detroit activist Siwatu-Salama Ra [More]About damn time. Even if it looks like my advice went unheeded.
At least someone's in her corner. I wonder if their position is consistent...
[Via Mack H]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...
So Britain's knife-crime epidemic is mainly a black and Muslim thing, one of the consequences of unrestrained mass Third World immigration. [More]Only a hateful white nationalist would make that observation.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Resurfacing Enough
Court rules for Missouri state trooper in man’s drowning at Lake of the Ozarks [More]Hey, if the guy didn't want to be handcuffed, bounced from the boat and drowned, he shouldn't have partied on the weekend.
[Via bondmen]
A Government Worker
Philly Cop-Shooter Was Federal Informant [More]Well, that adds whole new justification for disarming you and me, wouldn't you say?
[Via bondmen]
An Outbreak of Hysteria
“Contagion”: Arrests Soar As Tips On Potential Shootings Flood Police Departments [More]With all the media hoopla, you'd think the streets were littered with rotting corpses.
[Via bondmen]
More Proof It's Our Fault
‘National shame’: Missouri leads U.S. in rate of black homicide victims — again [More]So then if what we're being told is true, it must also lead the U.S. in the rate of white nationalists...
[Via bondmen]
A Common Denominator
Pazuzu had killed and buried these men with the help of two fiancées, Amber Burch and Krystal Matlock, and he had dispatched them in the presence of his mother Cynthia, with whom he lived. [More]How often do we see such willful enabling as a significant contributing factor?
I wonder how many mothers of gangbangers demand more infringements -- like that's the solution.
[Via Dave Licht]
The Coalition of the Willing
We know he attacks black women, Muslims, women, Latinos, immigrants, and Jews and we know that white supremacists are the number one domestic terror threat in America coming for all of us. We’re going to unite. [More]Now there's some Opposite Day "progressive" inclusivity for you! It's a good thing our diversity is our strength!
As far as the "dual loyalty trope," this is another instance of conflating reality with racism. To become a U.S. citizen requires an oath I talked about when trying to convince gun owners not to let Republicans sell them a bill of goods on Arnhole:
There’s another oath Arnold took, back in 1983, when he became an American citizen:
"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."
But there’s a problem: Arnold apparently never really meant it (any more than he would the governor’s oath) and pulled strings with the Austrian government to retain his citizenship there, as well. This despite the fact that the government of Austria “[i]n general… does not allow dual citizenship…Thus, if a person acquires US citizenship, he/she usually has to renounce the actual citizenship he/she is holding.”
The problem reaches beyond Austrian law. According to Kurzban's Immigration Law Sourcebook, “The U.S. government has generally looked with disfavor on United States Citizens maintaining dual nationality.” Indeed, the US Department of State cautions that “dual nationals owe allegiance to both the United States and the foreign country.”
Furthermore, the State Department warns of “security clearance implications” when people in its employ hold dual citizenships...
The oath still stands. And the State Department still maintains as official U.S. policy:
Dual nationals owe allegiance to both the United States and the foreign country.That's the way it was under the Obama administration with Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.
Funny, how it's suddenly become a problem.
[Via Michael G]
Easy Peasy
I tried to buy a gun at Walmart twice, and roadblocks left me empty-handed both times [More]But...but...but books ... vegetables ... cold pills...
[Via Roger J]
That's the Plan
The 1619 Project Won’t Heal the Nation, it Will Sow Discord [More]Exactly.
One way of looking at things is to note American concepts of freedom led to the elimination of the millennia-old global practice of slavery in a matter of decades.
Another is that the feds simply turned it into an equal opportunity proposition, and one that works so well because the slaves believe they're free.
Perhaps "discord" is what it's going to take to, like the motto says, live free or die.
Selective Enforcement
NC Gov. Cooper vetoes bill that would require sheriffs to cooperate with ICE - The bill, approved by the state House and Senate, would have required sheriffs to hold undocumented immigrants for Immigration and Customs Enforcement. [More]Funny. No one seems to be refusing to cooperate with ATF...
Lest We Forget
For the next time (later today) some lying politician (but I repeat myself) rails against "weapons of war"...
And while we can't deny the revolt-suppression component in slave states without denying reality and rewriting history, we also can't let those who would disarm us get away with presenting that as the prime motivator for keeping and bearing arms, especially for the "free states."
The important point to walk away with is the only adults disarmed against their will are slaves and the institutionalized/incarcerated.
[Via Russell H]
What's in a Name?
The words “felon,” “offender,” “convict,” “addict” and “juvenile delinquent” would be part of the past in official San Francisco parlance under new “person first” language guidelines adopted by the Board of Supervisors. Going forward, what was once called a convicted felon or an offender released from jail will be a “formerly incarcerated person,” or a “justice-involved” person or simply a “returning resident.” [More]Well, that's certainly doubleplus ungood.
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