Once again Faux News is silently sabotaging the Ron Paul campaign through omission.
I guess if you can pick your standard, as opposed to how the candidates have actually performed to date, you can justify Rudy being there as a "leading candidate" but Paul not being one...
That they felt they needed to qualify their presentation shows they know exactly what they're doing. They should have and could have posted all the candidates without qualifiers. It's obvious they just don't want their viewers to see the name "Ron Paul," so they are intentionally suppressing it. And by letting everyone who might notice know he's not "leading," why, there's a bit of discouragement tainting as well.
That's some "news" organization, manipulating the electorate under the guise of reporting facts.
"Fair and balanced" my left knee..."You Decide"-- based on what we choose to tell you.
Even if you're not for Ron Paul, I'd think having the information gatekeepers pull this crap should be enough to make you wonder what the establishment is so afraid of. It should certainly tell you why I have devoted a category on this blog warning about the dangers of "Authorized Journalists."